File structure

Lists reserved file and directory names within an extension. Also lists file names that are used in a certain way by convention.

This chapter should also help you to find your way around in extensions and sitepackages that where automatically generated or that you downloaded as an example.

The following folders and files can typically be found in a TYPO3 extension:


An extension consists of:

  1. A directory named by the extension key (which is a worldwide unique identification string for the extension), usually located in typo3conf/ext for local extensions, or typo3/sysext for system extensions.
  2. Standard files with reserved names for configuration related to TYPO3 (of which most are optional, see list below)
  3. Any number of additional files for the extension functionality itself.

Reserved file names

Most of these files are not required, except of ext_emconf.php in legacy installations not based on Composer and composer.json in Composer installations installations.

Do not introduce your own files in the root directory of extensions with the name prefix ext_, because that is reserved.

Reserved Folders

In the early days, every extension author baked his own bread when it came to file locations of PHP classes, public web resources and templates.

With the rise of Extbase, a generally accepted structure for file locations inside of extensions has been established. If extension authors stick to this and the other Coding Guidelines, the system helps in various ways. For instance, if putting PHP classes into the Classes/ folder and using appropriate namespaces for the classes, the system will be able to autoload these files.

Extension kickstarters like the friendsoftypo3/extension-builder will create the correct structure for you.