Other services

System administrators should keep in mind that every “untrusted” script (e.g. PHP, perl, python script) or executable file inside the web server’s document root is a security risk. By a correct and secure configuration, the internal security mechanisms of TYPO3 ensure that the CMS does not allow editors and other unprivileged users to place such code through the system (see chapter “Global TYPO3 configuration options” below).

However, it is often seen that other services like FTP, SFTP, SSH, WebDAV, etc. are enabled to allow users (for example editors) to place files such as images, documents, etc. on the server, typically in the “fileadmin/” folder. It is out of question that this might be seen as a convenient way to upload files and file transfers via FTP are simpler and faster to do. The main problem with this is that to enable “other services” with write access to the document root directory, bypasses the security measures mentioned above. A malicious PHP script for example could manipulate or destroy other files – maybe TYPO3 core files. Sometimes access details of editors are stolen, intercepted or accidentally fallen into the wrong hands.

The only recommendation from a security perspective is to abandon any service like FTP, SFTP, etc. which allows to upload files to the server by bypassing TYPO3.

The TYPO3 Security Team and other IT security experts advance the view that FTP shall be classified as insecure in general. They have experienced that many websites have been hacked by a compromised client and/or unencrypted FTP connections and as a consequence, it is advised that FTP should not be used at all.