The mark HEADERTITLE should output something like a “site title”. It is the title of your whole website. So what we want to output there basically are only a few words of text. You already know how that is working; you removed such a definition when we started with the TEMPLATE object. There was a TEXT object, do you remember? This is how we can use a TEXT object to output our site title there:


This is all it takes to put our header title in place. By the way, this is the easiest way to output a string with a content object.

Have you noted that we just have defined a mark (and not a subpart)? Check that you have put the definition into page.10.marks, not into page.10.subparts!

Here is the same code within the context of comments, so that you can see more clearly where it belongs:

// Configuration of MARKS

# Define the marks inside the subpart DOCUMENT
page.10.marks {

        // Mark HEADERTITLE

        # The mark HEADERTITLE outputs the site title
        HEADERTITLE.value = TYPO3



By the way, the order in which you define the marks and the subparts inside page.10.marks and page.10.subparts basically does not matter, except if you use copies of objects. The original object must be defined before it is copied.