Objects rendering content

  • IMAGE for the rendering of an image:

      lib.logo = IMAGE
      lib.logo {
         file = fileadmin/logo.gif
         file.width = 200
         stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 1
    The result is an image based on file :file:`logo.gif` with width of 200
    pixels and a link to the page 1.
  • TEXT is for the rendering of standard text or the content of fields:

    lib.motto = TEXT
    lib.motto.value = Inspiring people to share
    lib.motto.wrap = <div class="highlight">|</div>
  • FILES is used to retrieve information about one or more files and perform some rendering with it:

      lib.banner = FILES
      lib.banner {
         references {
            table = pages
            fieldName = media
            uid.data = page:uid
         renderObj = IMAGE
         renderObj {
            file.import.data = file:current:uid
            file.treatIdAsReference = 1
            file.width = 500
            wrap = <div class="banner">|</div>
    This code will probably look pretty abstract to you right now. What it does
    is to reference the images that were related to a given page in the "media"
    field. It takes each of these images and resizes them to a maximum width of
    500 pixels. Each image is wrapped in a `<div>` tag.
  • FLUIDTEMPLATE renders a template with the template engine Fluid with variables and data that you define - as previously discussed in the "Insert content in a HTML template" chapter.