TYPO3 Exception 1297759968

Exception while property mapping at property path "":Object with identity "1" not found.

This error is thrown when a link to a hidden record is called.

Exception while property mapping at property path "":Method::__construct() does not exist

The ReflectionService tries to get the constructor arguments of your model class, which in this case seem not to exist.

As a work around you can put an empty __construct method in your model class

public function __construct() {

Exception while property mapping at property path "":Could not find a suitable type converter for "array|null" because no such class or interface exists

See https://forge.typo3.org/issues/48172

Try updating the relevant extensions and TYPO3. If everything is up-to-date and the error still occurs setting the TypoScript option plugin.tx_news.features.rewrittenPropertyMapper = 0 may help.

Exception while property mapping at property path "": Could not find a suitable type converter for "..." because no such class or interface exists.

After adding an new model and clearing the caches (BE -> Flush system caches, rm -rf typo3temp/Cache/), the new class still was not found. Deactivating and reactivating the extension was solution.

Background: the autoload information (typo3temp/autoload/) wasn't flushed/updated. Since TYPO3 v8 there's a option in the install-tool for regenerating the autoconfiguration files.

Exception while property mapping at property path "...": Could not determine the child object type.

Try clearing all caches.

Try to truncate the cf_extbase_reflection table after you modified the model.

Exception while property mapping at property path "Property 0" was not found in target object of type "..."

When using extended models you need to set the base class variables to protected instead of private.

Another solution could be to truncate the "cf_extbase_reflection" table

This error is also displayed if a property in a fluid-form is wrong. In my case I had property="{object.propertyName}" instead of property="propertyName"

Exception while property mapping at property path "...":No converter found which can be used to convert from "array" to "string".

The solution is there: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16405963/typo3-how-to-use-file-upload-with-extbase

Exception while property mapping at property path "It is not allowed to map property "badproperty". ..."

If badProperty is an ObjectStorage that holds references to other models and you want to edit this relation in a Fluid form with a multiselect or checkboxes, don't let Fluid convert your objects. So instead of doing this:

<f:form.checkbox property="yourProperty" value="{someObject}" />

assign only the uid integers to the viewhelper, like this:

<f:form.checkbox property="yourProperty" value="{someObject.uid}" />

Exception while property mapping at property path "":The target type was no string, but of type "NULL"

See https://forge.typo3.org/issues/66049

This issue concerning passing an array of objects to a controller action should have been resolved in 7.x because the old property mapper has been removed completely.

Exception while property mapping at property path "": Path does not exist in array

When resetting options in YAML config files for EXT:form write

    700: null

instead of

      identifier: null
      templateName: null

Exception while property mapping at property path "propertyname": The identity property "" is no UID.

TYPO3 expects a relation as a property and can't find it. Check if a related database record exists (here: at "propertyname") and make sure to catch the error if no relation is present.

This can also happen if an extbase form has an object with a file upload element (and involved TypeConverters): If a bot maliciously spams your form, it might submit a POST/GET request with that type=file upload element, but uses type=text instead. This will lead into a structure, where the property will not contain the expected array data (tmp_name, name, errors, size, ... from $_FILES), and lead to this exception. In this case the error would say The Identity property "a2vsd3fs" is no UID, where a2vsd3fs is the actual random spam string submitted by the bot, even though it reads like a TYPO3 internal UID placeholder.

You can silence that error by using an initializeAction and checking if the mentioned properties actually are submitted as an array, or only as a string. But in fact, this exception would not be "wrong", because the actual bot request was faulty. But we wanted this recurring error not to flood our sys_log entries.

(TODO: This might also be fixable with better property mapping configuration and/or TypeConverter checks catching this error; the UploadedFileReferenceTypeConverter from Helmut Hummel was used in this case, which provoked the error above)

Exception while property mapping at property path "filter": No delimiter configured for TYPO3CMSExtbasePropertyTypeConverterArrayConverter and non-empty value given.

This could happen if your Fluid ViewHelper for a checkbox is like this and filter is an array:

<f:form action="myAction" objectName="MyDto" object="MyDto">
    <f:form.checkbox property="filter" value="TYPO3" />

You have to add multiple="1" in the Fluid ViewHelper:

<f:form action="myAction" objectName="MyDto" object="MyDto">
    <f:form.checkbox property="filter" value="TYPO3" multiple="1" />