TYPO3 Exception 1313855175

The action "..." is not allowed by this plugin.

  • Check your configurePlugin() configuration
  • Check if you have a Resources/Private/Templates/{controller}/{action}.html For details, please see https://forge.typo3.org/issues/31322
        \Vendor\ExtensionName\Controller\YourController::class => 'yourAction',
    // non-cacheable actions



or as of extbase 4.7 you need to update your FlexForm with all necessary actions (semicolon separated) in case you use switchableControllerActions:

        <numIndex index="0">
          <numIndex index="0">LLL:EXT:kofomi/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be.xml:flexforms_general.mode.eventgroups</numIndex>
          <numIndex index="1">Events->list;Events->show</numIndex>
        <numIndex index="1">
          <numIndex index="0">LLL:EXT:kofomi/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be.xml:flexforms_general.mode.persons</numIndex>
          <numIndex index="1">Persons->list;Persons->show</numIndex>


If you tried using FlexForms with switchableControllerAction this overwrites your ext_localconf.php even if you delete the Flexform and the link in your ext_tables.php. To work with your extension again edit the table tt_content and search for switchableControllerAction in the column pi_flexform and delete the content of this field and everything works fine again without FlexForm.

Another issue that can occur is an issue with realurl configuration. It may pass action params as uppercase e.g. 'Show' instead of 'show'. Either fix the realurl configuration or allow actions in uppercase.

Also, as developer if you changed the FlexForm above, remember to change the plugin configuration on the referencing page as well. The page configuration overrides the plugin configuration and will still have the old (now invalid) value stored.