TYPO3 Exception 1341151261

Columns configuration file not found

EXT:ad_google_maps: What did I do prior to experiencing the problem?

This error occurred using TYPO3 6.1

After installation of an extension (ad_google_maps) in the extension manager (EM) the error message appeared whenever I opened a frontend or backend page.

Apparently this happened to other people with the same extension. They reported the same error in a (German) board: Thread one, Thread two


In ext_tables.php dynamicConfigFile uses a relative path, but \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::loadNewTcaColumnsConfigFiles() expects to get an absolute path.

Solution (patch)

Replace the call of extRelPath() with extPath() for all dynamicConfigFile-entries in the ext_tables.php

Solution (uninstall)

  1. Edit typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php and remove the extension from all lists.
  2. Open the install tool in your browser: your-typo3-installation.com/typo3/install
  3. Use the database analyzer to fix the problem: Click the 'Compare' link and see what the install tool suggests to do.