TYPO3 Exception 1467983513

Error message

ID parameter needs to be passed for the cHash calculation! As a temporary not recommended workaround, you can set $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['cHashIncludePageId'] to false to avoid this error.


This error can happen with TYPO3 6.2.27, 7.6.11 or 8.3.1 and newer. It happens when the CacheHashCalculator API is called without id argument. Starting with TYPO3 6.2.27, 7.6.11 or 8.3.1 this API requires the id argument to be set.

With RealURL

This exception will be solved with the successor of RealURL 2.0.15. Until an updated version of RealURL has been released, if you encounter this exception, you can manually integrate this fix in RealURL.

Afterwards, clear all your caches.

See also