TYPO3 Exception 1486233164

This error can happen, when a record, containing a FAL relation, is about to be translated into another language. Possible reasons:

  1. The FAL data was created before any languages were created. In that case just delete the original FAL data and recreate it.
  2. The TCA is missing an "appearance" configuration, for example:
    'config' => [
        // ...
        'appearance' => [
            'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => true,
            'showRemovedLocalizationRecords' => true,
            'showAllLocalizationLink' => true,
            'showSynchronizationLink' => true,
            'enabledControls' => [
                'info' => false,

Check the TCA Reference for examples, like here: IRRE / inline examples