TYPO3 Exception 1544172838

RuntimeException: Error handler could not fetch error page

RuntimeException: Error handler could not fetch error page(due to no internet connection or protected)

Migrating from Fluidpages to Flux

If this exception appears while migrating from Fluidpages to Flux, verify that the corresponding Flux-TS is included.

404 error handler set to "Display content from page" (TYPO3 9.x)

(1/1) #1544172838 Error handler could not fetch error pageuntimeException
Error handler could not fetch error page
reason: cURL error 51: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name
matches target host name 'project.localdomain.vm' (see

When you have set your 404-error-handler to "Display content from page" on a development domain, cURL can't call the target page when the certificate isn't valid.

Solution: test again without SSL or test on a staging system with a properly installed valid certificate.

Self signed certificate problem

(1/1) #1544172838 RuntimeException  Error handler could not fetch
error page "https://example.de/startseite", reason: cURL error 60:
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate (see

You can avoid this exception with $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['HTTP']['verify'] = false;