TYPO3 Exception 1365799920


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TYPO3 12.0-dev - 14.08.22

Installation Overview

TYPO3 12.0-dev with blog_example extension

The Issue

On front end call to the extensions plugin

(1/1) #1365799920 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Exception\NoSuchValidatorException
Validator class FriendsOfTYPO3\ExtbaseExample\Domain\Validator\BlogValidator does not exist


The fully-qualified class name of the validator in the annotation was wrong

Changed annotation from

* Updates an existing blog
* @Validate(param="blog", validator="FriendsOfTYPO3\ExtbaseExample\Domain\Validator\BlogValidator")
* @throws NoBlogAdminAccessException
public function updateAction(Blog $blog): ResponseInterface


* Updates an existing blog
* @Validate(param="blog", validator="FriendsOfTYPO3\BlogExample\Domain\Validator\BlogValidator")
* @throws NoBlogAdminAccessException
public function updateAction(Blog $blog): ResponseInterface