TYPO3 Exception 1480765571


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Data structure identifier must be set, typically by executing TcaFlexPrepare

If you encounter this error during FlexForm integration:

Data structure identifier must be set, typically by executing TcaFlexPrepare data provider before

it means that your FlexForm's XML structure is defective (broken, has errors, does not parse properly).

Missing prefix "FILE:"

It occurs, for example, when you try to add a FlexForm file to a CE or plugin, but forget the prefix FILE::

 2 * WRONG WAY to add a FlexForm file to a content element
 3 */
 5    '*',
 6    'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/FlexForm/MyFlexForm.xml',
 7    'textpic'
11 * CORRECT WAY to add a FlexForm file to a content element
12 */
14    '*',
15    'FILE:EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/FlexForm/MyFlexForm.xml',
16    'textpic'