
Modern Linklist Modern Linklist

ab_linklist / stable

This is a modern and extended linklist plugin compatible to the "cmw_linklist" extension. Please have a look at the documentation for all (additional) features available. If you like this extension please consider to rate it at: http

Last upload comment

Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.

Downloads by month

Download 1.9.6 Extension Manual
Andreas Bulling
Last update
30. Jul 2009
First upload
05. Jan 2006
Frontend Plugins


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
1.9.6 / stable
July 30, 2009
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.9.5 / stable
April 27, 2008
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.9.4 / stable
March 20, 2008
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.9.3 / stable
October 20, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.9.2 / stable
September 01, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.9.1 / stable
April 27, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.9.0 / stable
April 08, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.8 / stable
March 18, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.7 / stable
February 04, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.6 / stable
January 21, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.5 / stable
January 14, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.4 / stable
January 14, 2007
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.3 / stable
December 17, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.2 / stable
December 17, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.1 / stable
December 06, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.8.0 / stable
December 03, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.9 / stable
October 08, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.8 / stable
October 01, 2006
Added the possibility to manually define the sort order of the categories and links in the backend. Therefore extended the "Sort links by" and "Sort categories by" FlexForm options.

Fixed a bug where the SQL query wasn't generated in the "Import catego
1.7.7 / stable
August 06, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.6 / stable
August 04, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.5 / stable
August 03, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.4 / stable
August 01, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.3 / stable
July 31, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.2 / stable
July 23, 2006
Please have a look at the file ChangeLog in the top directory of the extension.
1.7.1 / stable
July 21, 2006
[] Added the possibility to define the sort attribute and the sort order of the categories.
Therefore added the "Sort categories by" and "Sort order" FlexForm options.

[] Clarified the options of the dropdown list for the category selection in the "Pr
1.7.0 / stable
January 05, 2006
[*] Fixed a bug where links couldn't get deleted in the "Approve links" backend view.