This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

onfiguration Reference

The Extension provides a parser which parses text/html content for entered abbreviations. A saveHook is registered which calls the parser, additionally a scheduled task can be created to crawl the database and update abbreviations. The fields where the crawler should look for abbreviations can be configured for any table via TypoScript.

Target group: Developers

TypoScript Reference

There are two main parts. parser and crawler. Both are configurated out of the box if the static Typoscript (Backend) is included (required!). Settings for the parser can be configured via TypoScript Constant Editor, the crawler must be configured via Typoscript Setup.


Parser (module.tx_abbreviations.parser)

Property details


module.tx_abbreviations.parser.excludeTags = string

Comma-separated list of tags. Content of this tags will be excluded from replacement.


module.tx_abbreviations.parser.ignoreCase = boolean

If set, words are searched case-insensitive.


module.tx_abbreviations.parser.ignoreLanguage = boolean

If set, language of abbreviation records or the current text is ignored.

Crawler (module.tx_abbreviations.settings.crawler)

Property Data type stdWrap Default
tables data-type-array no tt_content { ... }
tables.[table].fields string no bodytext

Property details


module.tx_abbreviations.settings.crawler.tables = data-type-array

Tables where the crawler should search for the fields. (e.g 'tt_content')


module.tx_abbreviations.settings.crawler.tables.[table].fields = string

Comma-separated list of fields for the table where abbreviations should be searched.