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EXT: Extends tt_news with FE-User Editing

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Changed by:baddabing baddabang
Info 3:
Info 4:

EXT: Userdefined applications

Extension Key: activityslide

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The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: activityslide

Introduction 1

What does it do? 1

Screenshots........................................................... .....2

Users manual 3

Installation 3


What does it do?

Shows recent activities of fe-users in a vertical slider. Choose up to three tables to show activities from. Other config-options like mysql- join, slide-interval, step-size, direction etc.



Users Manual

Install the extension with the extension manager. See the screenshot and read the coresponding instructions below for configuration


Check this, if you want to have recent logins displayed

Pid where users profiles are located

The get-parameter of the fe-users

Max numbers of items to appear in the slide

Define how much items should max. be displayed. This configures the height of the slider

Height of a single item. It is best practise to choose a number here, that is dividable by the number in the field 'step size in px'.

This actually is not very fance javascript. It just moves the content step by step. Define a steps size here.

Mysql descending or ascending

Sliding speed

Table you want to browse. If you leave this field empty, all 'Table1...' configurations will be ignored

Choose a filed that contains the fe-users id

Choose a field that contains the fe-users name

Choose a field that contains the timestamp of the modification

See above...

See above...

See above...

See above...

This Table is joing with fe-users table. So if you want to perform a join between custom table and fe-users, this configuration-fields are the right place.

User id



Additional note: For best results, see, that

img-3 EXT: activityslide - 5