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EXT: aliasmultiply_blacklist

Author:Raphael Heilmann
Changed by:Raphael Heilmann

EXT: aliasmultiply_blacklist

Extension Key: aliasmultiply_blacklist

Copyright 2008, Raphael Heilmann, Universität Hohenheim, <raphael@uni->

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: aliasmultiply_blacklist 1

Introduction 1

What does it do? 1

Screenshots 2

Installation 2

Blacklisting using text-file 2

Blacklisting subdomains in multi-domain environment 2


What does it do?

The extension lets you blacklist aliases, so they will not be used for any page within your typo3 installation. It depends on Alias Multiply extension, which lets you define any alias for several pages in a multi-domain environment.

Blacklisting works in two ways:

  • Simple blacklisting using a text file with one alias each line
  • Blacklisting of subdomains (in order to use aliasmultiply_404handling Extension to switch to subdomains from aliases)




  1. Download the extension
  2. Import and install it
  3. Configuration (also see Screenshots)

You can exclude domain branches by their id of the root page or only check in some branches. If you want to check for subdomains (see below), you have to activate the “checkBranchSubdomain” box.

4. Done: Now you can simply define aliases, each once per domain branch.

Blacklisting using text-file

Blacklisting of aliases is done using the text-file alias_bl.txt in the extension directory (EXT:aliasmultiply_blacklist).

In that text-file each line keeps one alias, no commas, no spaces. Just one alias per line. But you can also define your own format using the preg_split pattern configuration value in the Extension Manager (see above)

You can create your own scripts, that maintain that text-file or just keep it up-to-date manually.

Blacklisting subdomains in multi-domain environment

You can (also in addition to the text-file) blacklist subdomains of your site, so they cannot be defined as an page ALIAS. That doesn't mean you can blacklist subdomains at all, but it means that subdomains defined in Typo3 cannot be used as page aliases. Together with aliasmultiply_404handling Extension you can build an environment where :

  • If there is for example a domain branch,
  • the alias community is not to be assigned in the backend
  • but is redirected to that subdomain in the frontend


To use this feature you have to enable it in configuration and set the siteDomain and “suffix” in Alias Multiply Configuration (Extension Manager: aliasmultiply). These central defined values will be used also by the aliasmultiply_404handling extension then.


img-4 EXT: aliasmultiply_blacklist - 2