This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Users manual


You have to fill configuration record which looks like this on the screenshot below (feed URL is required). These records could exist in every page from the page tree but of course the best way would be created them in one place.

Feed Configuration


Field Description
Name Feed name which will be visible in the Scheduler list
Type Feed type like RSS2, Atom, etc. (currently available only RSS2 and Atom)
Feed URL URL with feed content
Target folder Place where imported news will be saved. It could be every page type but should be storage folder.
News type News types from the news extension used to save imported entry
News language System language used to save imported news
Override edited news If you want to override news which was edited by some BE user you should check this option. News is edited when one of the fields will changed. Default list contains title, teaser, bodytext and datetime.
Hide imported news If you want to hide news after import you should check this option. It is helpfully when user wants to read news before publication
Default categories Chosen categories will be set as default for the imported news
Default author Given author will be set as default when author name from feed will be empty
Default author email Given author email will be set as default when author tag from feed will be empty
Custom mappings Use this field if you want get data from non-standard tags. Configuration should be write in TypoScript style
Social feed Check this option if you want import news from Facebook feed

Custom mapping

You can add custom mapping to your configuration which makes possibility to override some default values or map non-standard feed tags.

feed_namespace {
        attribute = database_field

tag = database_field


content {
        encoded = bodytext

Clear default field

If you want to clear one of the default fields you can do this in simple way using custom mapping.

clear_field = database_field


To clear teaser field you have to add below code to custom mapping

clear_field = teaser