Generator plugin

With the Beaconizer’s generator plugin you can create BEACON files for any of your tables with a simple TypoScript mapping. The plugin offers the generated BEACON files on a separate page type (1789) in plaintext format. The generator is an extbase plugin so the output is completely configurable with Fluid.

Here you can see an example BEACON file generated by the Beaconizer:

Requirements for generating BEACON files

You only need two things for generating BEACON files:

  1. A unique identifier for each record, ideally from one of the national or international authority files (GND, VIAF, Library of Congress etc.)
  2. A stable URL pointing to a detail view of each record

Of course it is no obligation to use identifiers from authority files. BEACON files can also be used “internally”, for example for sharing links between two applications. Therefore you could just use the uid of the records as identifier. The generator plugin puts no restriction on you in this respect.

Mapping with TypoScript

Once you have (authoritative) source identifiers for your data you need to provide a simple mapping for the generator plugin in a TypoScript template. Make sure you have included the basic TypoScript of the Beaconizer in your root template. Next you need to map your table to the Beaconizer’s GeneratedLinks domain object:

plugin.tx_beaconizer_generator {
  persistence {
    classes {
      ADWLM\Beaconizer\Domain\Model\GeneratedLinks {
        mapping {
          tableName = MY_TYPO3_TABLE
          columns {
            MY_SOURCE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD.mapOnProperty = sourceIdentifier

Substitute MY_TYPO3_TABLE and MY_SOURCE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD accordingly. In concordance with the BEACON specification the Beaconizer’s GeneratedLinks domain object also includes the other two (optional) properties, namely the annotation and the targetIdentifier property. You can map these two properties to other fields of your table.

From version 1.0.0 of the TYPO3 Beaconizer it is possible to generate BEACON files for TYPO3 pages. The Beaconizer provides a new field source_identifier for the pages table that you can use for entering identifiers from authority files. Please read the tutorial section in this manual that explains a very simple use case for this feature.

Plugin settings

As soon as the TypoScript setting is in place you can put a Generator plugin on an empty page. Don’t forget to select the page(s) where you keep the data you would like to output as BEACON file in the “Record Storage Page” field of the plugin. Finally fill out the metadata fields in the plugin’s flexform:

The complete form of the generator plugin

When this is done you can open up your page in the Frontend. The plugin should automatically redirect you to the plaintext pagetype (1789) and output your data in BEACON format.

Fluid template

The output of the generator plugin is done with a Fluid template that you will find in


The records of your mapped table will become available as {link} objects in the template. The metadata fields of the plugin will be available as {settings.meta.FIELDNAME}.