This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


What does it do?

This plugin provides state-of-the-art syntax highlighting by using JavaScript by using SyntaxHighlighting 3.x by Alex Gorbatchev or the prism syntax highlighter written by Lea Verou.

Use the constant editor or TS to define needed programming languages. These will be available in the FE plugin which needs to be added as a generic FE plugin (“insert plugin”). Each of this languages is a lazy-loaded (after the page has finished loading) Java-Script file. You can define different css styles (so called themes) and HTML templates to match your page design.

The following programming languages are available:


Actionscript 3, Bash, Shell, ColdFusion, C, C++, C#, CSS, Delphi, Pas, Pascal, Diff, Patch, Erlang, Groovy, Java, Java FX, Java-Script, Perl, PHP, Power-Shell, Python, Ruby on Rails, Sass, Scala, SQL, Typoscript, MySQL, Virtual Basic, .Net, XML, XSLT, XHTML and HTML.

The newly added TypoScript brush is based upon a user language for Notepad++.


AppleScript, Actionscript 3, Bash, C, C-Like, Coffeescript, C++, C#, CSS, Diff, Erlang, Gherkin, Git, Go, Groovy, HTTP, Java, JavaScript, Less, Markdown, Markup (HTML/XML, etc.), PHP, Power-Shell, Python, Ruby, Sass, Scala, SCSS, SQL, Twig, TypoScript and Yaml.


  • Highlight specific lines
  • Show Gutter
  • Customizable tab size *
  • Configurable label
  • Collapse code *
  • Wrap lines *
  • Preview and t3editor support in BE
  • Use HTML templating
  • Different visual styles

* unavailable if using prism

Live Demo

ext:beautyofcode Live Demo

Please help me to add more sites here: contact me!


SyntaxHighlighter 3.0 by Alex Gorbatchev, which does the actually highlighting, is the nicest syntax highlighter I’ve seen so far and it’s also used by Freshbooks, ASP .Net Forums,, Aptana, Mozilla Developer Center, SitePoint and Yahoo Developer Network. It is coded in native JavaScript and is under active development.

Please see for more information.


Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s a spin-off from Dabblet and is tested there daily by thousands.

See for more information.


See highlighter project website for possible frontend look.

Content element screenshot

Content element

Content element options tab screenshot
Backend layout screenshot

Backend layout