This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Cache Cleaner

You can use this extension to clear your typo3-caches programmatically.


  1. Install the extension.
  2. Create "_cli_lowlevel" User

Create "_cli_lowlevel" User

You have to create a backend-user named "_cli_lowlevel". The password doesn't matter, but you have to give the user the following TSconfig:


How to use the Cache Cleaner API


// First Instance the CacheApiService

$cacheCleaner = new BERGWERK\BwrkCacheCleaner\Service\CacheApiService();

// Call one of the following options to clear the cache.

$cacheCleaner->clearAllCaches();              // Clear All Caches. Parameter true for hard delete
$cacheCleaner->clearPageCache();              // Clears the page cache.
$cacheCleaner->clearConfigurationCache();     // Clears the configuration cache.
$cacheCleaner->clearSystemCache();            // Clears the system cache
$cacheCleaner->clearAllActiveOpcodeCache();   // Clears all active opcode caches
$cacheCleaner->clearAllExceptPageCache();     // Clears all except the page cache


Call the cli dispatcher via ssh with the following command:

./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cache:run

Also you can add one of the following parameters: page, system, configuration, opc, except_page

If you doesn't add any Parameter, it will clear all caches hard.

Example for clear the page Cache via cli:

./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cache:run page