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EXT: BZD Equipment

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Info 2:Mario Rimann
Info 3:
Info 4:

EXT: BZD Equipment

Extension Key: bzd_equipment

Copyright 2005, Mario Rimann, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: BZD Equipment 1

Introduction 1

What does it do? 1

Screenshots 2

Users manual 4

Steps to show your equipment on a page 4

Adminstration 4

Configuration 4

Specifying the path to the HTML-File 4

Specifying your CSS-File 4

Tutorial 5

Known problems 5

To-Do list 6

Features / bigger changes 6

Little Bugs 6

Changelog 6

Further ideas 7


What does it do?

This extension will help your visitors / employees to get an overview of the available equipment. Basically I developed this extension for the school where I work. We are using it on our intranet. Our teachers can get answers to questions like “where is the next beamer?” or “what equipment ist available in room XY?”.

I saw other systems that manage every room as a database-record with many many fields like “Equipped with beamer YES/NO”. That's quite ok – but I thought it is unflexible. That's the reason why I wanted to have many tables (room-categories, floors, rooms, equipment-categories and finally one for the equipment itself). This way I can add a new machine-category without extending (changing) any existing table.

That's just the second extension I did – so don't be to hard to me if something is not as you expected. If you find something you think is a bug, a missing feature or anything else like this: feel free to contact me!

Also I would like to hear from you, if you use the extension somewhere. Feel free to send me links.

By the way: Thanks to my wife Kerstin. She accepts me as I am – also on these days when I hang around on the PC for hours spending time to program instead of beeing with her. Kerstin, I love you!

- mario


img-1 This shows the list of available rooms.

img-2 This shows the list of categories.

img-3 This is the detailed view of a single room. To the left, you see the information about this room. And to the right, the equipment found for this room ist output. Also a list of alternatives is shown (may be this room has no beamer, but there is another room of the same category that could have one).

img-4 This is the detailed view of an equipment-category. This is needed if you are looking for a printer and want to know, where the next printer can be found.

img-5 And finally this is a detailed view of a single item (equipment). To the left again you can see the details of this item. And to the right you get additional informations and a list of alternatives.

Users manual


Thanks to Jürgen Kussmann for providing some code!

Steps to show your equipment on a page

Install this extension

Create a page on wich you want to show the extension-output

On that page: Create a Pagecontent and select the frontend Plugin of this extension.

You can create the records on the same page as the frontend Plugin is located. An alternative way is to create a new page of type “SysFolder” and store the new records there.

Go to the list-Module and create some records. I'd prefer the following order of creation (because you will assign equipment items to a room. And this works only if the room is already entered)

  • Floors
  • Room Categories
  • Rooms
  • Equipment Categories
  • Equipment (the objects to list)

In the settings of the frontend Plugin: Select a source (starting point) from where the extension should get the records. You must select a source (even if the records are located on the same page).

Configure the template-file and the CSS-File (see chapter “Configuration”)

Take a look on the page – It should already work, and show your records. There is nothing else to configure (as far as I know).




Specifying the path to the HTML-File

There is nothing to be configured in the Extension-Manager – as long as you can live with my default HTML-Template. If you want to use your own, take these steps:

Copy the default Template-File from /typo3conf/ext/bzd_equipment/media/ to your own folder (for example to your fileadmin folder)

In the backend, go to the Extension Manager and click on the name of this extension

You will find just one field to configure. Change the path to your copy of the themplatefile

Do your changes on the copied file.

Hint: Don't change the original template-file! If you do so, you would loose all these changes after updating the extension from TER.

Specifying your CSS-File

By default this extension includes it's own CSS-File to define the look of the output. This happens by including the following default TypoScript Setting:

page.includeCSS.file2 = typo3conf/ext/bzd_equipment/media/bzd_equipment.css

You can ovverride this setting in your template. Enter something like

page.includeCSS.file2 = fileadmin/templates/main/bzd_equipment.css

Copy the given default CSS-File and change it at its new location. Don't change the original file in the extension-folder as all changes to this file will get lost by updating the extension from TER.

Hint: The defined File MUST exist! If it doesn't, the Link in the output will not be written (like there is no CSS-File defined).


I didn't write a full step-by-step tutorial yet. May be I'll find the time to write something – if someone else wants to write, that would be appreciated!

Known problems

Don't know of any at the moment. Do you? If yes, please report them to me.

To-Do list

Features / bigger changes

Program the View of a complete List (for a printed reference)

Little Bugs

These notices should be in the bugtracker - as long as there is no separate project started on mantis, I'll keep track of the bugs here in this document.

  • CSS (Category List), a:visited is underlined, but shouldn't
  • Backend: New equipment-record, Rooms are sorted by creation date /uid, should be sorted by room-number
  • Create two separate HTML-Templates, one for English, one German. (actual file is mixed)


0.1.2 - 9 th of November 2005

Changed the starting-point behaviour. Now you can select from where to get the records. Thanks to Jürgen Kussmann for providing the code!

0.1.1 - 18 th of October 2005

  • Translated the locallang*.php files to German
  • added Icons for hidden records (in Backend)
  • RTE fields are now correctly wrapped and parsed.

0.1.0 - 9 th of October 2005

  • After changing many smaller and bigger things, I published the extension for the first time to the public (TER). I'm waiting for your feedback on my second extension ever (wich is the first extension I published publicly).
  • No other changes to version 0.0.3 / the new version-number is just to represent a bigger step in the evolution of this extension.

0.0.3 - 9 th of October 2005

  • New feature: The Room-Detail-View now shows a list of alternative rooms of the same category.
  • New feature: The Equipment-Detail-View now shows a list of alternative equipment records of the same category.
  • Some messages (like 'no records found') are now abstracted, so they can be translated.
  • Extended the manual with some more information.
  • In different views, the empty markers now get exchanged with some dummy-content.

0.0.2 - 8 th of October 2005

  • Added the SingleView of an equipment record.
  • Added a “show me an error message” function.
  • Added basic Error-handling functionality to the main + helping functions of the plugin.
  • Created a template-file and according CSS definitions.
  • Changed the selection of DB-records: Selects only the items stored in the same page as the plugin.
  • The CSS File (./media/bzd_equipment.css) is now automatically included in every page.

0.0.1 - 7 th of October 2005

  • Initial upload to the TER
  • Programmed the basic functions of the frontend plugin.
  • Played around with the kickstarter to get the ground-layout of the extension.

Further ideas

The following text is just a braindump. Nothing in it is fixed yet or done. If you have ideas about it, or like to help improving these ideas - just contact me!

  • Create a backend-module for managing. Could also be a FE plugin? That program should be able to:
  • show a list of defective items
  • unchecked items

General idea:

Have all items (equipment, rooms) checked at a regularly base (lets say every 60-100 days). These checks should be

  • is still there (not stolen)
  • is working (where possible to check)
  • other notes

In the detail-view of every equipment-item, a symbol should show the actual state of the item

  • green: everything ok
  • red: defective
  • orange: is beeing repaired at the moment
  • gray: has not been checked for a while
  • black: away/stolen (wasn't there at the last check)

The way to do a check should be:

select a room

create a new check-report (including the date, timestamp, person)

get all items to check listed on the display (all equipment in the specified room, the room itself)

do the checks

with every item checked, it gets removed from the screen

at the end, check the room itself, enter notes if needed, save the report as done

The idea is, that this job can be done on a notebook, on stage instead of printing a sheet for every room and entering the data to the database later.

img-6 EXT: BZD Equipment - 9