This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Administrator Manual


This extension requires the news extension, as it extends it. After installing the extension in the Extension Manager, you should include the static template Calendar for news.


TypoScript constants

0 to begin the week on Sunday, 1 to begin the week on Monday

Determine the way we navigate through calendars (when more than one calendar is displayed):

  • -1 (All but one) put the last displayed calendar in first position when navigating forward, and vice-versa for backwark (e.g. JAN - FEB - MAR => MAR - APR - MAY).
  • 0 (All) replace all visible calendar by the nex set of calendars (e.g. JAN - FEB - MAR => APR - MAY - JUN)
  • 1 (One) move one month position a time (e.g. JAN - FEB - MAR => FEB - MAR - APR)

Paths to Fluid templates are defined in TypoScript constants. However, a better way to customize templates is to add additional paths to plugin.tx_news.view.templateRootPaths array.

Path to Fluid templates.
Path to Fluid partials
Path to Fluid layouts

TypoScript setup

Default provided CSS stylesheet.

Default CSS stylesheet is included through page.includeCSS.tx_cbnewscal. The default provided template includes a lot of classes; therefore, you can easily change the appearance of the displayed calendar just by modifying the stylesheet.

Customizing templates

The easiest way to customize the template used for rendering the calendar is to specify an additional path in the plugin.tx_news.view.templateRootPaths array. Array item 100 is the default template path for the news extension, and array item 99 is the default template path for cb_newscal extension. Therefore, items with index greater than 100 will replace defined paths. Under the news specified path, the used template should be called Calendar.html and located inside the Newscal folder.

As with the news extension, it is possible to define different templates using the tx_news.templateLayouts array in PageTSConfig. Those templates are then accessible through the plugin configuration in the backend. In the Fluid template, the template number is given by the {settings.templateLayout} variable.

It is possible to replace the used CSS stylesheet by modifying the path inside page.includeCSS.tx_cbnewscal TypoScript setup.

Variables given to the template

The following variables are accessible from the Fluid template.

The array of settings, configured in TypoScript or in the plugin flexform.
The list of calendars to display.
An array containing information for generation navigation arrows.

months is an array. Each item of that array is an array containing the following variables:

Month number (e.g. 1 for January, 12 for December) of the given calendar
Year of the given calendar.
True if this month is the current month. If only one month is displayed, this is always true. If more than one month is displayed, this is true for the month related to the current demand.
The array containing the weeks of this calendar.

weeks contains, for each week, an array of days. Each day is itself an array, containing:

Timestamp of the day.
Day of the month (1 to 31)
Month (beause the day could belong to the previous or the next month as well).
True if the day belongs to the curently displayed month (useful for graying out days of previous or next month).
True if the day is today.
True is the day indicates the start of an event. If roq_newsevent is not used, this is always true.
True if the day indicates the end of an event. If roq_newsevent is not used, this is always true.
The array of news related to this day. Empty if no news are available for this day.

Each item of the news array are news (or event) objects.

The navigation array contains the following values:

Contain the number of displayed months.
Uid of the plugin content object. Used for anchoring to the calendar when navigation through months.
next.month and next.year contain month and year of the next month to navigate to. next is Null if no navigation is possible (because of time limit constraint).
prev.month and prev.year contain month and year of the previous month to navigate to. prev is Null if no navigation is possible (because of time limit constraint).


Translations for this extension are stored in xlf files, just like other TYPO3 extensions. However, many strings a taken directly from the news extension, while a few specific strings are stored in the cb_newscal extension.

Extension is written in English, and French, Catalan, and Castillan (Spanish) translations are provided. If you would like to provide other translations, please create a pull request on GitHub.

To replace default provided translations, or to provide your own translations, simply copy the needed files that are located in Resources/Private/Language/ to a readable location, modify the files as you need, and provide the path to those files in the $GLOBALS['TYPO/_CONF_VARS'] variable. This variable can be modified, either in the typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php file for a local TYPO3 installation, or in the ext_localconf.php file if you include them in a custom extension.

The syntax to override translation files is like:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:cb_newscal/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf'][] = 'path/to/locallang.xlf';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['fr']['EXT:cb_newscal/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf'][] = 'other/path/to/fr.locallang.xlf';

See Xavier Perseguers blog for more details about translations in TYPO3.