This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Configuration Reference

Target group: Developers

TypoScript Reference

Most of the setup properties will be inherited from the constants. However you always override them in the setup part of your TypoScript Template.


Property details


plugin.tx_extensionkey.settings.theme = string

The theme you wish to use. Valid options are dark-top, dark-floating, dark-bottom, light-top, light-floating, light-bottom or a url to a CSS file. Leave empty to not include any extra CSS files.


plugin.tx_extensionkey.settings.container = string

A CSS selector to define with element of your page to append the cookie consent notice to. Please consider that the default themes rely on this setting, if you change this you will probably have to use your own theme.


plugin.tx_extensionkey.settings.path = string

The path for the consent cookie that Cookie Consent uses, to remember that users have consented to cookies. Use to limit consent to a specific path within your website.


plugin.tx_extensionkey.settings.domain = string

The domain for the consent cookie that Cookie Consent uses, to remember that users have consented to cookies. Useful if your website uses multiple subdomains. Defaults to the current subdomain.


plugin.tx_extensionkey.settings.expiryDays = integer

The number of days Cookie Consent should store the user’s consent information for.