Feature: #68741 - Introduce new IconFactory as base to replace the icon skinning API

See forge#68741


The logic for working with icons, icon sizes and icon overlays is now bundled into the new IconFactory class. The new icon factory will replace the old icon skinning API step by step.

All core icons will be registered directly in the IconRegistry class, third party extensions must use IconRegistry::registerIcon() to override existing icons or add additional icons to the icon factory.

The IconFactory takes care of the correct icon and overlay size and the markup.


The core implements three icon provider classes, which all implement the IconProviderInterface.

  • BitmapIconProvider for all kind of bitmap icons for gif, png and jpg files
  • FontawesomeIconProvider for font icons from fontawesome.io
  • SvgIconProvider for svg icons

Third party extensions can provide own icon provider classes, each class must implement the IconProviderInterface.


The BitmapIconProvider has the following option

  • source The path to the bitmap file, this may also contain the EXT: prefix


The FontawesomeIconProvider has the following option

  • name The name of the icon without the icon prefix e.g. check instead of fa-check


The SvgIconProvider has the following option

  • source The path to the svg file, this may also contains the EXT: prefix

Register an icon

 * Put the following code into your ext_localconf.php file of your extension.
 * @param string $identifier the icon identifier
 * @param string $iconProviderClassName the icon provider class name
 * @param array $options provider specific options, please reference the icon provider class
$iconRegistry = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconRegistry::class);
$iconRegistry->registerIcon($identifier, $iconProviderClassName, array $options = array());

Use an icon

To use an icon, you need at least the icon identifier. The default size is currently 32x32 px. The third parameter can be used to add an additional icon as overlay, which can be any registered icon.

The Icon class provides only the following constants for Icon sizes:

  • Icon::SIZE_SMALL which currently means 16x16 px
  • Icon::SIZE_DEFAULT which currently means 32x32 px
  • Icon::SIZE_LARGE which currently means 48x48 px

All the sizes can change in future, so please make use of the constants for an unified layout.

$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
$iconFactory->getIcon($identifier, Icon::SIZE_SMALL, $overlay)->render();


The core provides a fluid ViewHelper which makes it really easy to use icons within a fluid view.

{namespace core=TYPO3\CMS\Core\ViewHelpers}
<core:icon identifier="my-icon-identifier" />
<!-- use the "small" size if none given ->
<core:icon identifier="my-icon-identifier" />
<core:icon identifier="my-icon-identifier" size="large" />
<core:icon identifier="my-icon-identifier" overlay="overlay-identifier" />
<core:icon identifier="my-icon-identifier" size="default" overlay="overlay-identifier" />
<core:icon identifier="my-icon-identifier" size="large" overlay="overlay-identifier" />


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