Breaking: #92238 - Service injection in Extbase validators

See forge#92238


With the deprecation and removal of objectManager usage in TYPO3, Extbase does not use the objectManager to create validator instances any more.


Validators that use dependency injection will experience non injected services for affected properties.

Affected Installations

All installations that use dependency injection in Extbase validators.


Instead of injecting services to the validator, use GeneralUtility::makeInstance to create an instance of required services.

Given the following example for a service injection in a validator:

 * @var ConfigurationManagerInterface
protected $configurationManager;

 * @param ConfigurationManagerInterface $configurationManager
public function injectConfigurationManager(ConfigurationManagerInterface $configurationManager)
    $this->configurationManager = $configurationManager;

Since the configurationManager is required globally in the class, GeneralUtility::makeInstance is used in the constructor of the validator to create an instance of the service.

 * @var ConfigurationManagerInterface
protected $configurationManager;

public function __construct(array $options = [])
    $this->configurationManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConfigurationManagerInterface::class);

In order to create instances of services that require dependency injection and which are not already instantiated in the service container, it is required to declare those services as public: true in the Configuration/Services.yaml of the given extension.

  public: true