Breaking: #67577 - rte_enabled and flag handling

See forge#67577


Content elements of type text and text with image contained a field "RTE enabled" that could be unchecked to disable the rich text editor. This field has been removed together with the TCA richtext flag handling.


The field is removed from database and the flag information is lost.

Affected Installations

All instances will no longer show the "RTE enabled" field below text and text with image content elements below the text field, the TCA flag is obsolete, see example below.


A typical rich text configuration in TCA looked like:

'content' => array(
	'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.xlf:LGL.text',
	'config' => array(
		'type' => 'text',
		'cols' => '48',
		'rows' => '5',
		'wizards' => array(
			'RTE' => array(
	'defaultExtras' => 'richtext:rte_transform[flag=otherField|mode=ts_css]',

With this configuration RTE was only rendered if otherField had the value 1. This flag is obsolete now:

'defaultExtras' => 'richtext:rte_transform[mode=ts_css]',