Feature: #64535 - IRRE: Suppress and override useCombination warning via TCA settings

See forge#64535


When using useCombination=TRUE there is always a FlashMessage warning displayed. It is now possible to override the default warning message with a custom message or to suppress the FlashMessage completely via TCA setting.

Example to suppress useCombination warning message:

$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_demo_domain_model_demoinline']['columns']['irre_records']['config'] = array(
	'foreign_types_combination' => array(
		'1' => array(
			'showitem' => 'title'
	'appearance' => array(
		'suppressCombinationWarning' => TRUE
		'useCombination' => TRUE

Example to override useCombination warning message:

$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_demo_domain_model_demoinline']['columns']['irre_records']['config'] = array(
	'foreign_types_combination' => array(
		'1' => array(
			'showitem' => 'title'
	'appearance' => array(
		'overwriteCombinationWarningMessage' => 'LLL:EXT:demo/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_demo_domain_model_demoinline.irre_records.useCombinationWarning'
		'useCombination' => TRUE