Breaking: #72361 - Removed deprecated methods in ContentObjectRenderer

See forge#72361


The following methods have been removed:

  • cleanFormName
  • stdWrap_offsetWrap
  • textStyle
  • tableStyle

The TypoScript jumpurl configuration has been removed for file links. The TypoScript property andWhere from .select has been removed.


Using the methods above directly in any third party extension will result in a fatal error.

Affected Installations

Instances which use custom calls to ContentObjects via the methods above.


cleanFormName has been moved to FormContentObject. stdWrap_offsetWrap has not been replaced by a new function. textStyle TypoScript option should be done with CSS. tableStyle TypoScript option should be done with CSS.

TypoScript option jumpurl can be passed in the typolinkConfiguration property.

TypoScript property andWhere can be migrated to where.