Feature: #85719 - Allow sites without scheme or domain

See forge#85719


Since the inception of site handling, the definition of a site base - the URL prefix - was limited to only allow a full URI with scheme (HTTP/HTTPS) and domain. This didn't allow to run TYPO3 on multiple domains, basically limiting the URL-resolving ("Site Routing") compared to previous URL handling solutions in the past.

A new site routing based on symfony/routing component allows to have a flexible routing based on specific schemes.


It is now possible to set a site base prefix to just "/site1" and "/site2" or "www.mydomain.com" instead of entering a full URI.

This allows to have a Site base e.g. www.mydomain.com to be detected with http and https protocols, although it is recommended to do a HTTP to HTTPS redirect either on the webserver level, via a .htaccess rewrite rule, or by adding a redirect in TYPO3.

Please also note that this improved flexibility will introduce side-effects when having multiple sites with mixed configuration settings as Site base:

  • Site 1: /mysite/
  • Site 2: www.mydomain.com

will be unspecific when detecting a URL like www.mydomain/mysite/ and can lead to side-effects.

In this case, it is necessary by the Site Administrator to define unique Site base prefixes.