Deprecation: #91001 - Various methods within GeneralUtility

See forge#91001


The following methods within GeneralUtility have been marked as deprecated, as the native PHP methods can be used directly:

  • GeneralUtility::IPv6Hex2Bin()
  • GeneralUtility::IPv6Bin2Hex()
  • GeneralUtility::compressIPv6()
  • GeneralUtility::milliseconds()

In addition, these methods are unused by Core and marked as deprecated as well:

  • GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl()
  • GeneralUtility::flushDirectory()


Calling any methods directly from PHP will trigger a PHP E_USER_DEPRECATED error.

Affected Installations

TYPO3 installations with third-party extensions using any of these methods.


As the following methods are just wrappers around native PHP methods, it is recommended to switch to native PHP to speed up performance:

  • GeneralUtility::IPv6Hex2Bin($hex): inet_pton($hex)
  • GeneralUtility::IPv6Bin2Hex($bin): inet_ntop($bin)
  • GeneralUtility::compressIPv6($address): inet_ntop(inet_pton($address))
  • GeneralUtility::milliseconds(): round(microtime(true) * 1000)

As for GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl() it is recommended to migrate to PSR-7 (UriInterface).

The method GeneralUtility::flushDirectory() uses a clearing folder structure which is only used for caching to avoid race-conditioning. It is recommended to use GeneralUtility::rmdir() or implement the code directly in the third-party extension.