Breaking: #96158 - Remove support for inline JavaScript in fieldChangeFunc

See forge#96158


Custom FormEngine nodes allow to use internal property fieldChangeFunc to add or modify client-side JavaScript behavior when field values are changed. Through TYPO3 v11 it was possible to directly use inline JavaScript that was assigned as plain string type. With TYPO3 v12.0 inline JavaScript is not supported anymore - values assigned to fieldChangeFunc items have to implement \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\Behavior\OnFieldChangeInterface which allows to declare the behavior in a structured way.


Assigning scalar values to fieldChangeFunc items - without using \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\Behavior\OnFieldChangeInterface - is not supported anymore and will lead to PHP type errors.

Affected Installations

Installations implementing custom FormEngine components (wizards, nodes, render-types, ...) that provide inline JavaScript using fieldChangeFunc.

// examples
$this->data['parameterArray']['fieldChangeFunc']['example'] = "alert('demo');";
$parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['example'] = "alert('demo');";


Previous deprecation ChangeLog documentation provided migration details already. A complete and installable example is available with ext:demo_91787 as well.

The provided code examples are supposed to work with TYPO3 v11 and v12, easing the migration path for extension maintainers. The crucial point is to use \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\Behavior\OnFieldChangeInterface which still would inline JavaScript as a fallback in TYPO3 v11.

Thus, basically scalar assignments like...

// examples
$this->data['parameterArray']['fieldChangeFunc']['example'] = "alert('demo');";
$parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['example'] = "alert('demo');";

... have to be replaced by custom OnFieldChangeInterface instances...

// examples
$this->data['parameterArray']['fieldChangeFunc']['example'] = new AlertOnFieldChange('demo');
$parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['example'] = new AlertOnFieldChange('demo');