Important: #100088 - Remove dbType json for TCA type user

See forge#100088


With forge#99226 the dbType=json option has been added for TCA type user. After some reconsideration, it has been decided to drop this option again in favor of the dedicated TCA type json. Have a look to the according changelog for further information.

Since the dbType option has not been released in any LTS version yet, the option is dropped without further deprecation. Also no TCA migration is applied.

In case you make already use of this dbType in your custom extension, you need to migrate to the new TCA type.


// Before
'myField' => [
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'user',
        'renderType' => 'myRenderType',
        'dbType' => 'json',

// After
'myField' => [
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'json',
        'renderType' => 'myRenderType',