Feature: #59606 - Integrate Symfony/Console into CommandController

See forge#59606


The CommandController now makes use of Symfony/Console internally and provides various methods directly from the CommandController's output member:

  • TableHelper

    • outputTable($rows, $headers = NULL)
  • DialogHelper

    • select($question, $choices, $default = NULL, $multiSelect = false, $attempts = FALSE)
    • ask($question, $default = NULL, array $autocomplete = array())
    • askConfirmation($question, $default = TRUE)
    • askHiddenResponse($question, $fallback = TRUE)
    • askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = FALSE, $default = NULL, array $autocomplete = NULL)
    • askHiddenResponseAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = FALSE, $fallback = TRUE)
  • ProgressHelper

    • progressStart($max = NULL)
    • progressSet($current)
    • progressAdvance($step = 1)
    • progressFinish()

Here's an example showing of some of those functions:

namespace Acme\Demo\Command;

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\CommandController;

 * My command
class MyCommandController extends CommandController {

    * @return string
   public function myCommand() {
      // render a table
         array('Bob', 34, 'm'),
         array('Sally', 21, 'f'),
         array('Blake', 56, 'm')
      array('Name', 'Age', 'Gender'));

      // select
      $colors = array('red', 'blue', 'yellow');
      $selectedColorIndex = $this->output->select('Please select one color', $colors, 'red');
      $this->outputLine('You choose the color %s.', array($colors[$selectedColorIndex]));

      // ask
      $name = $this->output->ask('What is your name?' . PHP_EOL, 'Bob', array('Bob', 'Sally', 'Blake'));
      $this->outputLine('Hello %s.', array($name));

      // prompt
      $likesDogs = $this->output->askConfirmation('Do you like dogs?');
      if ($likesDogs) {
         $this->outputLine('You do like dogs!');

      // progress
      for ($i = 0; $i < 300; $i ++) {



This change does not alter the public API so it is not breaking in the strict sense. But it introduces a new behavior: Previously all output was collected in the Cli\Response and only rendered to the console at the end of a CLI request. Now all methods producing output (including output() and outputLine()) render the result directly to the console. If you use $this->response directly or let the command method return a string, the rendering is still deferred until the end of the CLI request.