Feature: #66697 - Add uppercamelcase and lowercamelcase to stdWrap.case

See forge#66697


To make it possible to change a value from underscored to "UpperCamelCase" or "lowerCamelCase" the options uppercamelcase and lowercamelcase are added to stdWrap.case.

tt_content = CASE
tt_content {
	key {
		field = CType

	my_custom_ctype =< lib.userContent
	my_custom_ctype {
		file = EXT:site_base/Resources/Private/Templates/SomeOtherTemplate.html
		settings {
			extraParam = 1

	default =< lib.userContent
	default {
		file = TEXT
		file.field = CType
		file.stdWrap.case = uppercamelcase
		file.wrap = EXT:site_base/Resources/Private/Templates/|.html