Deprecation: #78628 - TCA tree pageTsConfig addItems icon path

See forge#78628


When adding items to TCA type="select" fields with pageTSConfig, the syntax for icons has been changed:

Example to add an item with icon in pages to field category before:

# Add an item with text "staticFromPageTs" to field category in pages
TCEFORM.pages.category.addItems.12345 = staticFromPageTs
# Assign icon to the element
TCEFORM.pages.category.addItems.12345.icon = EXT:any_extension/Resources/Public/Icons/Smiley.png

The path has been deprecated and now accepts icon identifiers from the icon registry only:

# Add an item with text "staticFromPageTs" to field category in pages
TCEFORM.pages.category.addItems.12345 = staticFromPageTs
# Assign icon to the element
TCEFORM.pages.category.addItems.12345.icon = my-registered-icon


Using a file path syntax will trigger a deprecation log entry, but will work until TYPO3 v9.

Affected Installations

Instances that use this PageTSConfig setting with a file path instead of an icon identifier.


Register the icon within the IconRegistry and use an icon identifier instead of the file path.