Breaking: #79300 - Removed RTE proc.transformBoldAndItalicTags option

See forge#79300


The RTE processing TSconfig option RTE.default.proc.transformBoldAndItalicTags has been removed from the processing functionality.

It was a shortcut to change all <b> and <i> tags coming from the database to <strong> and <em> when loading the RTE. In return when storing the content again from the RTE, the <strong> and <em> tags were moved to <b> and <i> again.

If an integrator wanted to explicitly disable this functionality (basically having <strong> and <em> in the database), he/she needed to explicitly disable the option (setting it to "0", not just unsetting the option via PageTSconfig).


Setting this option does not transform the tags anymore when loading the RTE or storing in DB. Instead, <strong> and <em> are stored in the database when editing a record.

Affected Installations

Any installation having custom RTE configuration and explicitly setting this option without having a proper HTMLparser replacement mapping in place.


Any default configuration of RTEHtmlArea that was in place before 8.6.0 has a simple replacement to ensure the same functionality now:

This code does the same as having proc.transformBoldAndItalicTags=1:

RTE.default.proc {
    # make <strong> and <em> tags when sending to the RTE
    HTMLparser_rte {
        tags {
            b.remap = strong
            i.remap = em
    # make <b> and <i> tags when sending to the DB
    HTMLparser_db {
        tags {
            strong.remap = B
            em.remap = I

If having the option explicitly turned off (allowing strong, b, em, and i tags) is what is wanted the configuration should look like this:

RTE.default.proc {
    # no remapping should happen, tags should stay as they are
    HTMLparser_rte {
        tags {
            b.remap >
            i.remap >
    # no remapping should happen, tags should stay as they are
    HTMLparser_db {
        tags {
            strong.remap >
            em.remap >

Please note that this migration is only necessary if custom RTE options are in place, as the default RTE HTMLArea configuration does that automatically.