Feature: #79622 - Introducing Frame Class for Fluid Styled Content

See forge#79622


In CSS Styled Content it is possible to provide additional CSS classes for the wrapping container element. This feature is now available for Fluid Styled Content, too.

The default layout of Fluid Styled Content is now passing the value of Frame Class directly to the template and prefixes the value by default with frame-<key>.

Implementation in Fluid Styled Content

<div id="c{data.uid}" class="frame frame-{data.frame_class} ...">

Explanation of Keys and Effects of Frame Classes

Name Key CSS Class Additional Effects
Default default frame-default
Ruler Before ruler-before frame-ruler-before A ruler is added after the output.
Ruler After ruler-after frame-ruler-after A ruler is added after the output.
Indent indent frame-indent Margin of 15% is added to the left and right side.
Indent, 33/66% intent-left frame-indent-left Margin of 33% is added to the left side.
Indent, 66/33% indent-right frame-indent-right Margin of 33% is added to the right side.
No Frame none (none) No Frame is rendered.

Please note that you need to include the optional static template "Fluid Styled Content Styling" to have a visual effect on the new added CSS classes.

Edit Predefined Options

TCEFORM.tt_content.frame_class {
   removeItems = default,ruler-before,ruler-after,indent,indent-left,indent-right,none
   addItems {
      superframe = LLL:EXT:extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:superframe
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['frame_class']['config']['items'][] = [
   0 = LLL:EXT:extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:superframe
   1 = superframe


Frame Class is now available to all Fluid Styled Content elements.