Important: #79847 - Fluid bugs fixed and features added (Fluid 2.3.1)

See forge#79847


The Fluid engine dependency is raised to version 2.3.1 which fixes a few important bugs and adds a couple of features:

And in the new features department, two new features are added:

This means two things:

  1. For template developers this means you can use {escaping off} in a template to completely disable the escaping which is normally done - which can be particularly helpful in non-HTML templates.
  2. For the TYPO3 core this means it becomes possible to drop two classes (Fluid overrides) completely from the source; namely the XmlnsNamespaceTemplatePreProcessor and LegacyNamespaceExpressionNode. Thus increasing the parsing efficiency of Fluid as it is integrated with TYPO3 CMS.