Breaking: #82689 - Backend AbstractWizardController not extends AbstractModule

See forge#82689


The PHP class TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\Wizard\AbstractWizardController no longer extends class TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\AbstractModule. This can be breaking if wizard classes of extensions depend on method processRequest() or the initialized property moduleTemplate.

PHP class TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\AbstractModule has been deprecated and should not be used any longer.


  • Using class AbstractModule will throw a deprecation warning
  • Extensions with wizards extending class AbstractWizardController may fatal if they use property moduleTemplate
  • Extensions with wizards extending class AbstractWizardController may fatal if they use they registered routes to method processRequest

Affected Installations

Installations with extensions with one of the above described patterns.


Extensions that extend AbstractModule should initialize moduleTemplate at an appropriate place instead. Instead of processRequest(), routes should be registered in an extensions Configuration/Backend/Routes.php and Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php.