This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


This TYPO3-plugin can be used by developers to create Emailmessages with a Fluid template.

How to use

Inject the FluidMailFactory in your class where you want to use it:

* @var \CmsWorks\CwFluidmail\Mail\FluidMailFactoryInterface
* @inject
protected $fluidMailFactory;

Create a Fluid-template with 3 (or less) sections: subject, plain and html.

<f:section name="subject">
Welcome {}

<f:section name="plain">
Hi {},

Welcome aboard!

<f:section name="html">
Hi <b>{}</b>,

Welcome aboard!

Use the function createFluidMail of the FluidMailFactory to get a \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage bootstrapped with a subject and the eventual bodyparts (plain and/or html):

$message = $this->fluidMailFactory->createFluidMail('\path\to\template.html', array(
    'user' => $user,