This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: Digital Asset Management

Author:Dan Osipov
Changed by:Lorenz Ulrich
Description:The keywords help with categorizing and tagging of the manuals. You can combine two or more keywords and add additional keywords yourself. Please use at least one keyword from both lists. If your manual is NOT in english, see next tab "language" ---- forEditors (use this for editors / german "Redakteure") forAdmins (use this for Administrators) forDevelopers (use this for Developers) forBeginners (manuals covering TYPO3 basics) forIntermediates (manuals going into more depth) forAdvanced (covering the most advanced TYPO3 topics) see more: ----
Keywords:dam, digital, assets, management, multimedia, organization, media, files, file, system, categorization
Author:The DAM development team

img-1 img-2 EXT: Digital Asset Management

Extension Key: dam

Language: en

Version: 1.3.1

Keywords: dam, digital, assets, management, multimedia, organization, media, files, file, system, categorization

Copyright 2000-2012, DAM Development team <typo3-project->

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

`EXT: Digital Asset Management 1 <#__RefHeading__5708_1738894311>`_

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__2619_1900641420>`_

`Installation 4 <#__RefHeading__2621_1900641420>`_

Requirements 4

Installing DAM 4

Installing recommended extensions 4

Installing optional extensions 4

What happened to your backend so far? 5

`Basic Configuration 6 <#__RefHeading__2633_1900641420>`_

Extension Manager 6

`Setup DAM-Backend-Permissions (Backend-Users/Groups) 11 <#__RefHeading__2637_1900641420>`_

Setup File Mount & DAM Mounts 11

Giving users access the Media folder 11

Access Lists: Allow modules, tables and excludefields 11

`Changing DAM Look & Feel 13 <#__RefHeading__2645_1900641420>`_

Enable Tabs 13

`Working with files 14 <#__RefHeading__2649_1900641420>`_

List view 14

Uploading files 23

Indexing files 23

`Working with selections 28 <#__RefHeading__2657_1900641420>`_

Creating a selection 28

Saving a selection 29

Thumbnail view 30

Processing a selection 31

`Working with categories 33 <#__RefHeading__2667_1900641420>`_

`Usage information 34 <#__RefHeading__2669_1900641420>`_

`Tools 35 <#__RefHeading__2671_1900641420>`_

Indexing setup 35

Checking tools 36

Configuration 37

Media types 37

`Working with multiple languages 38 <#__RefHeading__2679_1900641420>`_

Introduction 38

Website Language 38

Translate the Media folder 38

Translating records 39

Translating categories 39

`Integration with extensions 40 <#__RefHeading__2710_764101692>`_

Integration with Linkvalidator 40

`TSConfig 41 <#__RefHeading__3486_1900641420>`_

Configuration 41

Disable submodules 41

Set Media folder invisible 41

Disable Upload in RTE for media links and images 41

Disabling tabs in image element browser 41

Setup styles for media links 41

Enable secure downloads 42

Title attribute for RTE links 42

Full configuration 43

`DAM configuration (tx_dam.) 47 <#__RefHeading__3502_1900641420>`_

`Known problems 50 <#__RefHeading__2691_1900641420>`_

`I found a bug / I have a feature request 51 <#__RefHeading__2699_1900641420>`_

`ToDo 52 <#__RefHeading__2701_1900641420>`_

There is still room for improvement 52

Roadmap 52

`Sponsoring 53 <#__RefHeading__2707_1900641420>`_

Sponsors 53

Recent contributors to DAM 53

`Changelog 54 <#__RefHeading__2713_1900641420>`_


A Digital Asset Management System (DAM) system is a tool to handle digital content like images, text files and virtually any other data format. These media files can be attributed with meta information. Such information can describe the content (description, keywords, location), provide technical data (image size) or copyright information for example. All these information can be used to handle, find and categorize the media files.

Two different forces drive the necessity for advanced management of such assets:

  • Large number: Even smaller sites tend to produce large numbers of assets, often stored in random folders and with incoherent naming, making the organization and overview increasingly hard over time. Digital asset management adds a meta-layer of information to every file in a semi-automatic indexing process, allowing users to search for attributes in a database associated with the files.
  • Automated retrieval: Assets as building blocks for content often are used to produce automated output, like image galleries and download areas. Digital asset management serves these output functions by providing an interface for retrieving assets filtered by any combination of meta data criteria.

The Digital Asset Management for TYPO3 was developed to address the growing demand for professional asset management in TYPO3 applications and implementations. Even though the first final version is still to come, previous versions have been used in various production settings.

The DAM is similar to the File module integrated into the TYPO3 backend as a main module. It will replace the File module when finished, which means all file handling like copying, deletion and renaming of files is provided by the DAM. Nevertheless the DAM doesn't use a new storage type for files. The files are stored into the file system as before.

This manual is an introduction to the DAM extension. Additional information, as well as pending documentation can be found on Forge: Documentation



DAM 1.3 requires TYPO3 4.5.0. If you're using an older version, you can install DAM 1.1

DAM also requires static_info_tables, so you need to install this extension first.

Installing DAM

To install DAM itself just import it from TER and install it. The extension key is ' dam '.

Make sure you update the reference index after installation of the dam!

Installing optional extensions

  • dam_cron In case you want to upload files via ftp or the like you might also want to install dam_cron to be able to autoindex the new files based on a cron job (a time-based scheduling service).
  • svmetaextract contains several services to extract metadata from files. For further information consult the manual of this extensions directly. It can be found in the TYPO3 extension repository.

What happened to your backend so far?

Installing DAM and it's co-extensions makes the following visible changes in your backend:

1) A new module *Media* with some submodules has been added to the module frame, while the traditional module File has been removed.

img-3 Illustration 1: A new module Media

2) A new page *Media* , the so called Media Folder, has been added to your pagetree as a direct child of your homepage. This is where all meta data of your files will be stored.

img-4 Illustration 2: A new page Media

3) The editing forms for the content elements Image and Text with Image have changed.

4) The link wizard that is used to pick files for image links, header links or media files for the Media content, has changed and has a tab „Media“ instead of „Files“ and „Folders“.

Basic Configuration

Once you have installed DAM you need to look at the configuration.

Extension Manager

After the installation you can configure the DAM in the extension manager.

Important note for upgraders: If you are upgrading from an older version of DAM you need to reconfigure both dam and rtehtmlarea:

  • In the configuration options of dam , enable the media tag and the htmlArea RTE integration.
  • In the configuration options of rtehtmlarea , disable the above mentioned features.

img-5 Illustration 3: Enabling features in the extension manager

You see several options here:


TSconfig setup defining modules functions and indexing behavior.

Enable File->Filelist

When DAM is installed all file operations go through DAM. A new module appears in your main menu called Media. The File->Filelist module is hidden.

img-6 Illustration 4: The File module and the Media module

If you want to reenable the traditional File module, go to the Extension Manager, click the title Media (DAM) and check Enable File->Filelist.

Caution: DAM will not be aware of files uploaded through the traditional File module, so this might cause inconsistencies and confusion.

Hide Media folder

DAM creates a folder to store all the media records. Normally all the operations on the media records can be done through the Media menu.

img-7 Illustration 5: Hiding the Media folder

You can hide the Media Folder by setting a default user TSConfig. Thus, no user (not even admins) will be able anymore to edit the dam tables in the List, which might be a wise move, because editing file names and the like will inevitably cause mistakes. Hiding the media folder also reduces clutter. So it is recommended to hide the media folder, but of course only after you have granted access to that page via Web>Access as described in chapter 'Setup DAM-Backend- Permissions'.

media tag

This adds the tag <media> to RTE content processing and frontend rendering. This is needed to create files links using DAM references. Additional page TSconfig may be needed to enable the media tag. This tag is similar to <link> with the difference that the given id is not a page but a media id.

Depending on the load order of installed extensions it may be needed to manually add the media tag processing to the RTE processing rules in page TSconfig:

  // Add txdam_media to RTE processing rules
RTE.default.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media

  // Use same RTE processing rules in FE
RTE.default.FE.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media

  // RTE processing rules for bodytext column of tt_content table
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.text.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.textpic.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media

Why is the media tag needed?

This is because it wouldn't be possible to link assets by reference. This means whenever a link to a file is created in the RTE the file path is saved. But when the file is renamed or moved this reference is lost. The media tag use the media id instead (tx_dam.uid) and the file link will be created while FE rendering.

Activating the media tag in the EM extension options will also install a transformation handler which overrides the default ts_links mode (used also when ts_css shortcut is configured). Processing of links in db direction will be done by that handler, which searches for linked files in A tags that can be substituted with a media tag.

The media tag will be rendered in the frontend by the plugin plugin.tx_dam_tsfemediatag which is registered in the TypoScript setup of lib.parseFunc.tags and lib.parseFunc_RTE.tags.

plugin.tx_dam_tsfemediatag {
    procFields {
      file_size = 1
    tag {
      current = 1 = parameters : allParams
      typolink.extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget} = {$}
      typolink.title {
        dataWrap.ifEmpty = { field : txdam_file_name } ({ field : txdam_file_size })
        htmlspecialchars = 1
      parseFunc.constants =1
  } = < plugin.tx_dam_tsfemediatag = < plugin.tx_dam_tsfemediatag

As you can see the fields from the tx_dam table are available in the typolink setup prefixed with txdam_. While the setup is very similar to the default link tag setup, the used typolink function is NOT the one available in stdWrap but has more or less the same properties.

htmlArea RTE integration

If set and if the htmlArea RTE extension is installed, the DAM media browser will be used by the Insert image and insert file link dialog.

img-8 Illustration 6: HTMLArea media browser

Disable versioning

DAM has several problems with versioning of records for using workspaces. It is recommended to disable versioning for new installation, but this is off by default to prevent problems with existing installations.

Developer/Debug Functions

This activates special functions for development and debugging. This should stay deactivated for normal usage!

Setup DAM-Backend-Permissions (Backend-Users/Groups)

A mortal (non admin) user/group has to be given access to the DAM to be able to work with it.Best practice is to handle all BE-userrights via BE-usergroups and then put BE-Users into the configured group; this allows for centralized rights-management.As for specific DAM- rights you would extend your existing editors backend-usergroup with DAM-specific rights as described below.

The basics about the Rights & Permissions concepts of TYPO3 can be found in the "getting started" document: library/tutorials/doc_tut_quickstart/current/view/1/9/

Setup File Mount & DAM Mounts

Set up a File Mount and allow this filemount to be used by your editors backend-usergroup, see: Backend usergroup -> Mounts and Workspaces .

Note that you also have the possibility to set up a read-only filemount. This is useful if you want to create a media pool that all editors use for the FE.

Imagine you have the following folder structure:


public_docs (read-only filemount)

  • BE-Group1 (ordinary filemount for BE_Group1)
  • BE-Group2 (ordinary filemount for BE_Group2)

In order to allow the users of both or even more groups to use all media that are stored somewhere under public_docs in FE, put the following line into their User TSConfig field.

options.folderTree.altElementBrowserMountPoints = public-docs

Giving users access the Media folder

To allow your editors to read, write, edit and delete Media records you need to do two things:

Add the Media folder to the DB Mounts of a given user group.

Choose module Web>Access, select the Media folder in the pagetree and set ownership, group and permissions to read/write. This is done the same way as you would do it for normal pages.

Access Lists: Allow modules, tables and excludefields

In order to have the Media-Section being shown and to allow the editing of DAM-Records you will have to set the following withing the editors Backend-usergroup -> Access Lists:

In the ' Modules' section you can enable/disable the following items:

  • Media>File (a must have)
  • Media>List (a must have)
  • Media>Info (optional)
  • Media>Categories (needed when editors shall be allowed to edit the category tree)
  • Media>Tools (optional, not really useful for ordinary editors)
Tables (listing):

In case your editors are not allowed the category tree and may only use predefined selections they need at least read access to the following tables:

  • Media Category
  • Selection
Tables (modify):
  • Media (required to edit metadata)
  • Media Category (only if your editors shall be able to edit the category tree)
  • Media Types (required!)
  • Selection (only if your editors shall be allowed to create own selections)
Allowed excludefields:

Select the Media:xyz and Selection:xyz fields according to your preferences.

Changing DAM Look & Feel

Enable Tabs

Tabs have been disabled in this version for better integration with the Core. You can enable tabs by setting the following parameter in User TSconfig or Page Tsconfig:

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.useTabs = 1

img-9 Illustration 7: TYPO3 Docheaders style

img-10 Illustration 8: DAM tabs style

Working with files

You can browse through the file tree using the module Media -> File . You will see a file browser column and a list of files in the main view.

img-11 Illustration 9: The Media -> File module

The Media -> File module gives you access to three views:

  • List
  • Upload
  • Indexing

List view

The default view (list view) shows you the filename, type, date, size and file rights.

img-12 Illustration 10: File List view

You can adjust the number of files you want to see on a single page (20, 50, 100, 200) and there are several options available to change the display of the file list.

You can perform various actions on a media record by clicking one of the icons to the right. Depending on the file type and file rights, some icons may be 'grayed out'.

Edit meta data

img-13 Editing a media record brings up a form in which you can add all the meta data you want to a record. This form is spread over several tabs.


General information can be added here like title, description, keywords, location, category etc.

The field Title is primarily used in the backend. It will be shown in the Media->List module and in the Element browser. To get your media items displayed in a meaningful (alphabetical) order for a portrait of Albus Dumbledore we suggest a title like Dumbledore Alfred.

*A note on filenames and Title:* When you upload a file, the autoindexing feature of DAM will try to make a title out of the filename. In that process, the underscore (_) will be replaced by a blank space. So, if you want to save time here, name your file Dumbledore_Alfred.jpg.

The field Caption is intended for frontend output, for a portrait of Dumbldore this would be "Prof. Dr. Alfred Dumbledore".

The field called Source/Original location can be used to store the location of the original file. For example a photo CD name like 'Groovy Photos CD 3'.

img-14 Illustration 11: Edit media: Overview tab


img-15 Illustration 12: Edit media: Metrics tab

Extra data

The extra data is used by the extension cc_metaexif to store EXIF information present in some image files.

img-17 Illustration 14: Edit media: Extra data tab


img-18 Illustration 15: Edit media: Usage tab

Show the file

img-19 Download or view the file in a new window.

Edit the file

img-20 Edit the file in an editor (if there is an editor available for this filetype). If the file is in a text format, an editor will allow you to directly edit the file.

Display information about record

img-21 This view is the same as the 'edit meta data' view. The only difference is that here you are only allowed to view the information and not edit it.

Rename the file

img-22 You can rename your file. You can change the title of the file, the filename and the download name.

img-23 Illustration 16: Rename file

Replace file

img-24 You can replace the file with another file. The file meta data will be automatically updated.

img-25 Illustration 17: Replace file

Delete the file

img-26 When clicking the delete icon, you will be presented with a dialog that asks for your confirmation.

img-27 Illustration 18: File delete confirmation

This dialog will show you if and where the record is used.

Deleting a file will remove the file and all meta data associated to it. So be sure to read this dialog carefully before you delete any file.

Batch editing

You can delete, copy and move more than one file at once by enabling 'batch edit options' in the 'options' menu. When you enable batch edit options, a checkbox appears at the beginning of every media record. You can select files by checking the checkboxes or you can click the check icon at the lower right to check or uncheck all.

img-28 Illustration 19: Batch edit option

img-29 By clicking the icon, you can check or uncheck all checkboxes at once.

After choosing the files you want to perform a command on you need to choose a command.

img-30 Illustration 20: Choosing a batch edit operation

You can also specify if you want the command to be executed for all the files in the list or only the files you have selected.

In case you chose the 'move' or the 'copy' command, you will need to specify a target directory.

img-31 Illustration 21: Choosing a target directory

And after you have chosen a target directory, you will be asked to confirm your command.

img-32 Illustration 22: Copy confirmation dialog

Be careful when batch deleting files! A warning about references to the records is not yet given. If you want to know where your media record is used, use the normal delete operation, not the batch deletion operation.

Uploading files

Uploading files is pretty straight forward. It works the same as in the old Web->File module.

img-33 Illustration 23: Uploading files

After uploading your file, it will be automatically indexed. After upload you are given the possibility to add / change meta data by 'processing' uploaded files. This is useful if you have just batch uploaded a lot of pictures from a certain holiday trip you all want to have the same category for example.

img-34 Illustration 24: Uploaded files

Indexing files

The dam media browser can only see files that have been indexed. This means you can only use 'already indexed' files in your content.

Indexing features:

  • mass indexing of files and folder
  • apply rules while indexing (eg. assign category from folder name)
  • preset meta data before indexing
  • set preset meta data not to be overwritten while indexing
  • save index setup as preset
Automatic indexing

If you upload files using Media->File->Upload , those files will be indexed automatically. After upload you can add more metadata to the files by 'processing' them.

Manual indexing

There are several cases in which you need (or want) to manually index files.

Fresh DAM installation with existing files

If you already have a lot of files on your system however, you will have to manually index those files.

Files not added using upload feature

Files not added to the filesystem using DAM upload will not be auto indexed. Files may be added to the fileadmin uing FTP or certain directories in the fileadmin may be 'mounts' from filesystems on other machines. Files added without TYPO3 knowing about them will not be indexed automatically.

NOTE! Take care when using remote filesystems for storing files used in DAM. Adding files is fine, but removing files is not yet detected.

If you do add files outside of TYPO3's knowledge, you may be interested in the dam_cron extension.

A new metadata extension has been installed

After installing a new metadata extension, you may want to re-index all your files so the new extension can extract new valuable metadata from your files and add that data to the existing record.

Indexing procedure
New indexing run
  • Go to Media->File->Indexing (or Media->Indexing )
  • Select the folder that contains the files you want to index and click Next

img-35 Illustration 25: New indexing run step 1


In step 2 you can configure the indexing run:

  • Index subfolers
  • Use folder names as categories: this is useful when indexing a structured file tree into DAM
  • Re-index: only missing metadata is added
  • Dry run

img-36 Illustration 26: Indexing step 2: Indexing options

Indexing field predefinition

If you do not want certain fields to be extracted from the media, you can predefine those values here. Check the box for the fields you want set fixed. You can add more fields to this form by adding the field names to $TCA['tx_dam']['txdamInterface']['index_fieldList'] you can do this in /typo3conf/extTables.php. If you would also like to set the user group directly when indexing, add the following line to your /typo3conf/extTables.php file:

$TCA['tx_dam']['txdamInterface']['index_fieldList'] .= ',fe_group';

img-37 Illustration 27: Indexing field predefinition

Indexing setup summary

img-38 Illustration 28: Indexing summary

Actual indexing

img-39 Illustration 29: What you see when the indexing task is running

Working with selections

Selections are a powerful tool for retrieval of the stored media meta data. With selections the user can query the database with a visual tool to search for media items. When you have found your items, you can perform various actions or batch operations on them. Go to Media->List->List to create a selection.

Creating a selection

Clicking on the title of a criterium initiates a new selection. You can use the +, = and - icons to narrow down your selection. In the image below we selected any record of category 'City', that is an 'Image', but not of the filetype 'png'. You can also remove single records from the selection by clicking the X in front of a record.

img-40 Illustration 30: Creating a selection

Saving a selection

The selection can be stored so you can use it again in a later session (or by external applications like frontend plugins).

img-41 Illustration 31: Saving a selection

Any extension can extend the DAM with own selections. An example can be found in the dam_demo extension.

You can also save a selection to the clipboard. Anything you save to the clipboard will last as long as your TYPO3 session. If you want to store a selection permanently, choose the 'export' option.

Saved and exported selections can be loaded easily using 'load preset'.

You can search your selection using the 'search tool'.

Thumbnail view

Go to Media->List->Thumbnails to view your selection as thumbnails.

img-42 Illustration 32: Thumbnail view

Thumbnail view can be 'dressed up' using various options:

img-43 Processing a selection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Go to Media->List->Process to process your selection. Processing enables you to *add* metadata to all the files in your selection at once. You can also choose to 'replace' certain metadata.

img-44 Illustration 33: Adding meta data to a selection

Working with categories

Selecting Media->Categories will bring up the category editor. Here you can create, edit and organize categories.

img-45 Illustration 34: Category view

You can create a new category by clicking the root node of the category tree and selecting 'new subcategory'.

img-46 Illustration 35: Adding a category

You can nest categories by assigning a parent category.

img-47 Illustration 36: Category properties

Usage information

The info module will give you insight in what media records are in use in your site. Go t o Media->Info and select Media types->Image->Jpg for example. The main view will show a list of content records where the jpg media elements are used in your site.

img-48 Illustration 37: Usage information

Now you can click on the title of a media record or content element to jump directly to it.


Indexing setup

With this wizard you can create an indexing configuration and store it in a folder of choice. When a file is uploaded to that folder, the file is automatically indexed using this indexing configuration.

First you need to choose a destination folder. The steps 2 through 4 are the same as for the normal indexing procedure. When you have arrived at step 4 and click Finish , you can review your settings and click Save .

img-49 Illustration 38: Indexing setup

This will create an indexing configuration file and store it in the folder you chose in step 1. The name of the file is: .indexing.setup.xml

Every file uploaded to that folder will use the saved indexing configuration.

Checking tools

Check index

img-50 Illustration 39: Check for changed or missing files

This tool checks the index for changed or missing files and updates it accordingly.

Check uploads

This updates the index for files in uploads/ which is needed to identify the used files in content elements.

Check lost records

This function collect lost records which are not stored inside the Media folder for some reason. Lost record can be moved to the Media folder then.

Tidy metadata

This cleans the meta data from invalid content and repairs things if possible.


This shows a statistics about indexed media items.


img-51 Illustration 40: DAM Configuration

Media types

Display, edit and add media types table. This table is used to determine the type of a file while indexing it.

Working with multiple languages


DAM supports the translation of the metadata of dam-records.This feature allows you to store e.g. translated descriptions, subtitles and more for records/items and have them been shown in the frontend in the matching language. The same applies for dam-categories.

The translated metadata can then e.g. be used in the frontend of a multi language website, be it a one-tree-fits-all-languages setup or a separate-tree-for-each-language.

DAM does not yet support language-specific files with the same, but only translated content; e.g. an english and a german version of the same PDF-manual.

Website Language

As a prerequisite for using multiple languages you have to add one Website Language-Record in the root-page (globe) of your TYPO3-Installation.

Translate the Media folder

To activate the possibility to create and edit translated meta data, a translation of the Media folder has to be created. This can be done with the Web -> Page module for example. This is like creating a translation for a normal page.

img-52 Illustration 41: Translate the media folder

Translating records

Media records and categories can be translated in the same way.

img-53 Illustration 42: Translating a media record

Translated media records use the same category as the original language does.

Translating categories

Given the above multi language configuration, you can also translate categories to your alternative language in the Media -> Categories module with the language-dropdown on the top.The respective translated names of categories should be used by DAM extensions that show categories in the frontend.

Integration with extensions

Integration with Linkvalidator

As of DAM 1.2.1, Linkvalidator can check DAM links. There are two steps required to enable DAM support in linkvalidator:

Step 1: Add DAM to the linktypes TSConfig. Example:

Base TSConfig:
mod.linkvalidator.linktypes = db,file,external
New TSConfig :
mod.linkvalidator.linktypes = db,file,external,dam

Step 2: Add the new markers in the PAGE_SECTION mail template

Base template:

<!-- ###PAGE_SECTION### -->
     Page: ###TITLE###

     All links types: ###BROKENLINKCOUNT### (last report: ###BROKENLINKCOUNT_OLD###)

     Internal link: ###DB### (last report: ###DB_OLD###)

     External link: ###EXTERNAL### (last report: ###EXTERNAL_OLD###)

       <!-- ###PAGE_SECTION### -->

New template:

 <!-- ###PAGE_SECTION### -->
     Page: ###TITLE###

     All links types: ###BROKENLINKCOUNT### (last report: ###BROKENLINKCOUNT_OLD###)

     Internal link: ###DB### (last report: ###DB_OLD###)

     External link: ###EXTERNAL### (last report: ###EXTERNAL_OLD###)

     Dam link: ###DAM### (last report: ###DAM_OLD###)

 <!-- ###PAGE_SECTION### -->



Configuration of the DAM and it's module are provided through TSconfig. For User and Page TSconfig the same properties are available for configuration. Please keep in mind Page TSconfig will be read from the DAM folder only.

Configuration is placed in

mod.txdamM1_* ... module configuration

tx_dam. ... general DAM configuration

Disable submodules

Submodules can be disabled for a user (or globally) with following TSconfig: = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

Set Media folder invisible

Media records in the Media folder are not meant to be edited with another module than the DAM. While the folder is visible to users, one can edit records with the Web>List module. With the following User TSconfig option the Media folder (example page id: 23) can be made invisible. Which means

options.hideRecords.pages = 23

Disabling tabs in image element browser

If you want to disable tabs in the RTE insert image dialogue, use the following TSconfig:

RTE.default.buttons.image.options.removeItems = media_plain,
media_magic, media_dragdrop, media_upload
RTE.default.blindImageOptions = media_plain, media_magic,
media_dragdrop, media_upload

Enable secure downloads

Add the following TS to your template:

plugin.tx_dam_tsfemediatag.tag.typolink.jumpurl = 1 = 1

If you then create a text element with a link to a media element, the link will be secured (ie will not point directly to the file on the server).

Keep in mind, the file will still be accessible. Use web server configuration to lock the directory against direct access.

Full configuration

Module configuration (mod.txdamM1_*)


Data type


Blinding Function Menu options in Backend Modules:

The DAM modules are technically implemented as "function menu" which makes it possible to deactivate single submodules for a specific user/group.


Removing the Media>List>List module looks like this = 0

Known submodule keys:





Data type


Known submodule keys:





Data type


Known submodule keys:



Data type


Known submodule keys:



Data type


Known submodule keys:




Module configuration (mod.txdamM1_SHARED.)

TSconfig properties from submodules could be defined in shared setup mod.txdamM1_SHARED. Properties listed here can be configured in the submodules setup too, which will not affect the other modules setup. Not all properties are supported/used by every submodule.




Data type



If set, the background colors of list rows will alternate.


mod.txdamM1_list.modfunc.tx_dam_list_list.alternateBgColors = 0
mod.txdamM1_list.alternateBgColors = 0
mod.txdamM1_SHARED.alternateBgColors = 0






Data type



If set, DAM displays files from subfolders in the list and the element browser. This may be useful to find files recursively (using the search), but could also distract editors. Therefore it can be switched off.






Data type



Defines how many pages the result browser should display at maximum.






Data type



If set files beginning with a dot '.' will be displayed in file listings (file module for example).


false (true for admins)




Data type

Comma list


This comma list defines which files should not be displayed in file lists. The items are regular expression (preg)


Will hide any xml files and file beginning with _

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.displayExcludeByRegex = \.xml$,^_





Data type



This comma list defines which folders should not be displayed in folder lists/trees. The items are regular expression (preg).


Will hide the folder user_upload:

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.foldersDisplayExcludeByRegex = user_upload





Data type



Context menus available on item icons in listings can be disabled with this property.


Will disable context menus in file module

mod.txdamM1_file.contextMenuOnListItems = 0






Data type

array of element keys


GUI elements can be removed from the the modules with this properties


Will disable the search box in the list module

mod.txdamM1_list.guiElements.getSearchBox = 0

The gui element item keys are available at the bottom of the modules itself inside the box 'Module Info'. The box will be displayed when the 'devel' option is enabled for the dam extension in the extension manager.





Data type



Options often displayed as checkbox in the footer of submodules can be deactivated with this property.


Will hide the option 'Display batch edit option'

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.options.tx_dam_list_list_showMultiActions = 0

The options item keys are available at the bottom of the modules itself inside the box 'Module Info'. The box will be displayed when the 'devel' option is enabled for the dam extension in the extension manager.





Data type



With the options property above an option can be hidden but this does not affect the options value. That have to be set separately with the value property.


Will hide the option 'Display thumbnails' in list module but enable the option itself

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.options.tx_dam_list_list_showThumb = 0
mod.txdamM1_SHARED.options.tx_dam_list_list_showThumb.value = 1





Data type

array of element keys


Actions are displayed as icons or buttons in list modules


Will hide the options to edit the record and preview the file in list module

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.actions.shared {
  tx_dam_action_viewFileRec = 0
  tx_dam_action_editRec = 0

The action item keys are available at the bottom of the modules itself inside the box 'Module Info'. The box will be displayed when the 'devel' option is enabled for the dam extension in the extension manager.


Actions can be removed from the context menu by the standard option.

options.contextMenu.pageList.disableItems = tx_dam_action_editRecPopup


actions.[action type]


actions.[action type]

Data type

array of element keys


See above for details

action type can be

icon : icon which be displayed somewhere

button : button which be displayed somewhere

control : icon in list module

globalcontrol : icon on top of list

context : context menu

multi : multi action like 'move files'


Will hide the options to edit the record and preview the file in context menu only

mod.txdamM1_SHARED.actions.context {
  tx_dam_action_viewFileRec = 0
  tx_dam_action_editRec = 0





Data type


Experimental configuration in Apache like allow/deny style. Will be used instead of the 'actions' setup if defined.

It will be walked through the rules until a rule matches for deny.

Order types:

allow,deny : first test allow rules, then deny. allow must match to enable the item.

deny,allow : first test deny rules, then allow. allow must match to enable the item when deny matches.

explicit : allow must match and deny must not.

allow and deny can be arrays too. The setup in such an array allow matching of user, usergroups, IP's, hosts, admin.

from IP or hostname/domain. 'all' matches all.

user : comma list of user ID's. '*' matches all.

user : comma list of usergroup ID's. '*' matches all.

admin : 0/1. Test if user is admin or not.

item : comma list of items the rule shoul apply for. '*' matches all.


mod.txdamM1_SHARED.actions.shared.allowDeny {
  order = deny,allow
  allow = tx_dam_action_viewFileRec
  deny = tx_dam_action_editRec
  deny.anyNameCanBeUsedHere {
    from = 192.168.*.*,,10.0.*.*
    item = *

This will disable all actions when the user is from the IP range configured in 'from'. The action 'tx_dam_action_editRec' is always disabled and the action 'tx_dam_action_viewFileRec' is always enabled.


DAM configuration (tx_dam.)



Data type



The selection trees can be configured as follows:

// not disable +=- icons by default
tx_dam.selections.default.modeSelIcons = 1





Data type



Hides a selection tree from the browse trees in backend.





Data type


// disable txdamIndexRun selection tree (hidden)
tx_dam.selections.txdamIndexRun = 0

// disable +=- icons for  txdamStatus selection tree
tx_dam.selections.txdamStatus.modeSelIcons = 0





Data type



limit category selection depth to 0 (non-recursive)

tx_dam.selections.txdamCat.sublevelDepth = 0



Data type



Enable/Disable auto indexing


// disable auto indexing = 0






Data type



Defines how many files should be auto indexed at once when a user is in an interactive session like using the file module. This is to prevent a timeout when too many files needs to be indexed.






Data type

Comma list


Comma list of file extensions that should be skipped while indexing.





Data type



If set, the physical file name of the document is kept when replacing a file. This can be useful because are usually referenced from external sources (e.g. search engines) and will not be found if the replacing file doesn't have the same name.

This setting is ignored if the file type of the new file doesn't match with the old file.






Data type

Comma list


If you want to keep field values of metadata fields on replacing a file (ignoring the reindexingMode settings below), list the according field names. For security reasons, only fields from the index_fieldList are allowed. You can read out this configuration in the TYPO3 configuration overview:



tx_dam.indexing.replaceFile.keepMetaFields = title, caption, description





Data type



Make default reindexing mode when replacing the file configurable.

Available modes:

1 - Only get meta data which is still missing.

2 - Overwrite current meta data with data from file. Will overwrite the meta data but preserve those where's no data available from the file itself.

99 - Overwrite all current meta data with data from file.






Data type



Same as above for edit file.






Data type



This indexing setup will be used when no other setup will be found stored in the file path. Such a setup can be created with the module Media>Tools>Indexing Setup.


    <pathlist type="array">
        <numIndex index="0">fileadmin/</numIndex>
    <ruleConf type="array">
        <tx_damdemo_indexRule type="array">





Data type


Enables development and debug output in modules


Known problems

Refer to the bugtracker for the latest list and status of known issues: (project tx_dam)

I found a bug / I have a feature request

If you find any problems in DAM, please report over at the TYPO3 bugtracker: (select project tx_dam)

Since DAM will be superseded by the File Abstraction Layer (FAL) in TYPO3 6.0, the DAM team won't invest time in new features but will maintain the extension until the end-of-life of TYPO3 4.5 LTS in April 2014.

In case of a bug report, please take some time and make a proper report stating at least:

  • version of the extension
  • reproducibility
  • steps to reproduce
  • observed behavior
  • expected behavior

Add screenshots if they can clarify the issue. Writing a good bug report will help us to fix the bugs faster and better.

If you can, clone DAM from the TYPO3 Git server git://, fix the bug and push a change request to Gerrit (additionally to the issue).

The DAM can output a lot of information when debugging is turned on. To enable that mode, set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['enable_DLOG'] = 1 (this can be done in the install tool) in your local configuration and install an extension that can handle this output (for example, extension "devlog"). This may help you track problems.


A lot has happened since the first release of the DAM. You can see the Changelog here: /extension-dam/dam/trunk/ChangeLog

There is still room for improvement

If you have bug hunting, coding, documentation or other skills, please contact the DAM team: dam

Roadmap (select project tx_dam)


Many people and companies have contributed to the development of DAM. First and foremost we wish to thank Rene Fritz who has laid down the foundation of this great system. We are secretly hoping Rene will contribute stuff in the future.


img-54 Michiel Roos and Ben van 't Ende have spent their spare time on the project.

img-55 Thanks Ben Taken for his enthusiasm and love for DAM. Contributed 1300 euro's

img-56 PSW group has contributed the largest one time sponsoring. This was due to the fact that they were very grateful for being able to use Michiel's Static File Cache extension. PSW contributed 2700 euro's

img-57 Contributed 500 euro's

img-58 Thank you Jeroen. Contributed 300 euro's

Recent contributors to DAM

Thanks to all contributors for version 1.3 of DAM:

  • Lorenz Ulrich
  • Dan Osipov
  • Ingo Renner
  • François Suter
  • Björn Pedersen

Changelog dam/dam/trunk/ChangeLog





25 September 2012

Major changes

- Link title attribute configuration





20 July 2012

Major changes

- Keep original file name on replacing a file

- Force DAM to keep meta information in replacing a file

- DAM media browser now works with tt_content header and image links

- Files from subfolders can be hidden in element browser and Media list module

- Folders can be hidden by regex

- Removed documentation of removed configuration





5 March 2011

Major changes

Added section for secure downloads under TSConfig (see bug #14009)





5 March 2011

Major changes

Added section for linkvalidator support (see bug #17379)





26 January 2011

Major changes

Updated the document for 1.2.0 release. Added missing TSConfig documentation.





28 December 2008

Major changes

#10016 added file compat/class.ux_template.php

Manual uses new template





24 December 2008

Major changes

Bugfix release after “the big sleep”