What does it do?

The extension enables you to show fe_users locations in responsive Leaflet maps. There are no registration and no API-keys necessary! You can do a radial search for locations and display them in a list and a responsive Leaflet map with infoWindows.

For the geocoding, the extension uses https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org which is limited to 1 request per second. This may change in the future...

A single view of the fe_user is implemented which shows just some details.

What's new?

Marker icon sizes can be set with the constant editor. Usergroups are sorted like the field usergroups of fe_user record. Mapicon handling changed. The directories fileadmin/ext/feusersmap/Resources/Public/MapIcons are created if they don't exist. Insert here your own mapIcons. These icons can then be selected in the fe_groups record (mapicon).


Feusersmap (Map) result with spiderfier

Map View

InfoWindow (MapInfoWindow)

Info Window