This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Add postProcessors to the FORM.

postProcessors define how TYPO3 processes submitted forms after the form is rendered according to filters and rules.

Multiple postProcessors are accepted for one FORM object, but you have to add these postProcessors one by one.

Currently there are two postProcessors:

The processing will be done in the order of the postProcessors.

Custom postProcessors

It is also possible to configure a custom class as a postProcessor. Just use the class name as the postProcessor name. The postProcessor class should implement TYPO3\CMS\Form\PostProcess\PostProcessorInterface

The custom postProcessor is not available within the form wizard. Currently, there is no possibility to extend the wizard.


postProcessor {
  1 = mail
  1 {
    recipientEmail =
    senderEmail =
    subject = Baz

  2 = redirect
  2 {
    destination = 5

  3 = Vendor\ExtensionName\Folder\ClassName
  3 {