This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



All defined marker/placeholder will be replaced while rendering the social media link. That means all occurrences of ###TOKEN### (casesensitive) will be replaced for URL or script value of a social media link.

Available marker token

Token Description
URL The current url of this page urlencoded.
URLGET The current url of this page urlencoded and with GET parameters.
TITLE The title of the current page.
TWITTER_FOLLOWME_ACCOUNT The twitter account name. The value can be changed by TypoScript configuration. Default: followme
TWITTER_HASHTAG The twitter hashtag. The value can be changed by TypoScript configuration. Default: hastag
TWITTER_USERNAME The twitter username. The value can be changed by TypoScript configuration. Default: username

If you want to add you own typoscript markers, add them like this example to the settings of the plugin: You can define your own markers as a typoscript object or a plain string. Add them like these examples to the settings of the plugin:

        data = page:abstract
        htmlSpecialChars = 1
        rawUrlEncode = 1
   JUSTTEXT = This is a static test text

In the setup.txt of the extension you find at the typscript plugin.tx_form4socialmedialinks_list.markers further examples of the already defined markers. But don´t add your own markers there, just to the plugin.tx_form4socialmedialinks_list.settings.markers ts path.

Adjust popup

You can set a possible popup for a type: "link" social media record by selecting the checkbox "Open in Popup". If you want to overwrite this javascript with your own version you can overwrite the following typoscript:

page {
     includeJSFooter {
             socialmedialinks = EXT:form4_socialmedialinks/Resources/Public/JavaScript/form4Socialmedialinks.js