This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Administrator Manual

Install the extension in the extension manager.

Configuration Scheduler Task

Create a new scheduler task of the type "Extbase CommandController Task (extbase)" and choose the "CommandController Command" "Form4SyslogReport Report: report". You can have multiple tasks with different configuration.

Add scheduler task "Extbase CommandController Task (extbase)"

Add scheduler task "Extbase CommandController Task (extbase)"

Configuration Cron Task

Create a crontask on your server.

typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase report:report --period=<period> --receiver=<email addresses> [--errors=1] [--clearcachepages=1] [--clearcacheall=1] [--clearcachesystem=1] [--clearcachepage=<comma separated list of uids>]

Configuration Options

Parameter Value / Examples Description
period e.g. "-7 days midnight" Period of the data of the record with DateTime::modify format for the report
receiver E-Mail addresses of the receivers (comma separated).
subject SysLog report from %s to %s Subject of the email. (e.g. "SysLog report from %s to %s" markers will be substituted with "startdate" and "enddate" of the report.). The sitename will be prepended.
errors 1 Adds the errors in the report. Disabled by default and optional.
errorFilterRegex /exception/i For filtering errors by their text.
clearcachepages 1 Adds the entries for "Flush frontend caches". Disabled by default and optional.
clearcacheall 1 Adds the entries for "Flush general caches". Disabled by default and optional.
clearcachesystem 1 Adds the entries for "Flush system caches". Disabled by default and optional.
clearcachepage e.g. "12,17" Adds the entries for the deletion of the cache of the specified pages.