This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Description:This extension provides the possibility to add tags for your pages and offers 3 plugins to display these Information in the front-end.
Keywords:tags, tagcloud, form4
Author:form4 GmbH & Co. KG

img-1 img-2 Tags

Extension Key: form4_tags

Language: en

Keywords: tags, tagcloud, form4

Copyright 2006-2013, form4 GmbH & Co. KG, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

`Tags 1 <#__RefHeading__5708_1738894311>`_

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__5710_1738894311>`_

What does it do? 3

`Users manual 4 <#__RefHeading__467_413120346>`_

Preparation 4

Assign tags to pages 4

Plugins 5

`Administration 8 <#__RefHeading__31511_818911409>`_

`Known problems 9 <#__RefHeading__31525_818911409>`_

`To-Do list 10 <#__RefHeading__477_413120346>`_

`ChangeLog 11 <#__RefHeading__31623_818911409>`_


What does it do?

This extension adds the ability to add tags on pages. Additionally this extension provides three plug-ins: one plug-in that creates a tag cloud, a plug-in which provides a teaser for the tags and a similar topics plug-in.

Users manual


Create tags in a sysfolder of your choice.

img-3 img-4 Assign tags to pages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Edit a page go to the “tags” tab and assign tags to your page



The extension Provides 3 new plug-ins, which you can select at the plug-in wizard.

img-6 Plugin: Tag Cloud

With the Tag cloud plugin you display a cloud display of the tagged pages . The bigger the word the more hits have been on pages like this.

But the design of all plugins can be modified if you set in the constants the template path to another directory (look up chapter Administration for that ).

In the plug-in itself, you just enter the amount of tags which should be displayed in the front-end.

img-7 Plugin: Tag Cloud Teaser

The tag cloud teaser provides the list view of the pages for the tag you selected in the tag cloud. This will show a list with an image ( the field in the page itself can )and the abstract text of the page and a link.

*Important:* To make the extension with TYPO3 6.x compatible we removed the dependency to dam extension and added support for the file abstraction layer (as from now referred to as fal ) and the possibility to choose any field of the page table for the rendering the image of the tag cloud teaser.

Default will be checked for a TypoScript configuration that adjust the handling of the image rendering, which you might adjust in the TypoScript Setup of your template if needed.

plugin.tx_form4tags.settings {

teaserImageWidth = {$plugin.tx_form4tags.settings.teaserImageWidth}

teaserImageField = media

teaserImageAltField = title

teaserImageFieldIsDam = 0


This TypoScript settings will adjust the taken image and the image handling depending on TYPO3 version.

  • plugin.tx_form4tags.settings.teaserImageWidth – sets the width of the teaser imageYou can set this also in setting the constant for the width. (used for all TYPO3 versions)
  • plugin.tx_form4tags.settings.teaserImageField - defines which field in the pages table will be used for the image – as the dependence for the dam extension is gone – this is per default: media, but can be set to any other field in the pages table (For the case you have defined your own teaser image field and want to reuse it).
  • plugin.tx_form4tags.settings.teaserImageAltField – defines where you want to take the content of the alt text. This can be a field of the page table like title or depending on the dam field, or if we are at TYPO3 version 6.x just the fal alt field.So you have to differentiate between the TYPO3 Versions
    • up to TYPO3 4.x : field could be either e.g. 'title' or 'dam_field.title'in the first case you use a field from the page table like the page title and in the second you use a field of the dam records like the title of the dam element. Just add “dam_field.” in front of it and it will be used as the alt text.
    • Since TYPO3 6.x : as TYPO3 6.x uses fal which comes with an alt field. It will just take this entry and ignore the alt settings coming from the setup.
  • plugin.tx_form4tags.settings.teaserImageFieldIsDam – 0 (for false ) or 1 (for true) in TYPO3 versions 4.x this field controls, if the defined field where the image is found should be handled as a typical media file (files will be saved in uploads/media/ ) or as an dam reference ). In TYPO3 6.X this field will be ignored for the support of fal.

In the plug-in setting in the back-end you can set the maximal amount of teaser entries that are shown:

img-8 Plugin: Similiar Topics

This plugin provides in the front-end a number of links to pages which share the same tags as the page the user is currently looking at, to guide the user further through the web-site.

img-9 In the plugin settings you again just set the amount of links that should be shown in the front-end.


Install the extension

Include the static extension template “Tags (form4_tags)”

Go in the constant editor to the “plugin.tx_form4tags” category and set the UID of the page where the “Tag Cloud Teaser” plug-in is placed.(plugin.tx_form4tags.settings.relatedTopicPage)

Set the default storage pid of the sysfolder, where you manage the tags. (plugin.tx_form4tags.persistence.storagePid)

Here you can also adjust the paths to the template files to another directory to provide your own Templates for the teaser, the similar topics and the tagcloud plug-in.

Optional you can the image width of the tag teaser and if the record should be sorted by title.

img-10 Known problems --------------

To-Do list






Update manual





Support for TYPO3 6.0 and 6.1





Original version.