This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Users manual


After setting up the extension you can add the teaser plugin to any page and column. Also multiple plugins on the same page are possible.


The teaser plugin

The tab with the new teaser plugin

Plugin Overview

The plugin settings are splitted into three tabs.

The first tab contains the settings for defining the list of pages, their sorting and the maximum number of total teasered pages.

plugin tab Pages

Teaser plugin : Pages

The second tab contains settings for the layout and pagination.

plugin tab Layout

The teaser plugin : Layout

The last tab contains settings for filtering the pages by doktypes, categories, a blacklis or others.

plugin tab Filters

Teaser plugin : Filters

Plugin options: Pages

The pages options determine which pages will be selected and passed to the view for rendering.

  • The option Source offers three options allowing manual or dynamic selection of pages.
    • Current page (as parent) and child pages: selects dynamically the current page the plugin lays on its child pages.
    • Selected Pages: When selected a new field for manually selecting pages shows up in the plugin settings.
    • Selected Pages (as parents) and child pages: Behaves the same as the option above, but child pages are used too.
plugin option Source

Option: Source

  • The option Recursion determines the recursion depth of child pages. Level 1 means parent pages and their direct children.
plugin option Recursive

Option: Recursive

  • The option Sorting sets the way the pages are sorted. Per default the extensions provides following sortings:
    • Sorting: sorts as the pages appear in the page tree (dynamic source) or as they are listed in the plugin (manual source)
    • Title: sorts alphabetically by title
    • Last Updated: sorts by the pages field 'lastUpdated'
    • Creation Date: sorts by the pages field 'crdate'
    • Modification Date: sorts by the pages field 'tstamp'
    • Publisching Date: sorts by the pages field 'starttime'
    • Expiration Date: sorts by the pages field 'endtime'
    • Expiration Date: sorting after the 'newUntil'
plugin option Sorting

Option: Sorting

  • The option Sorting direction allows to set the direction the pages are sorted.
    • ascending: sorts from A to Z or low to high
    • descending: sorts from Z to A or high to low
    • random: takes a given number of pages (as set in the option 'Maximum number of pages') from all selected pages and shuffles them - affects the pagination
    • shuffled: shuffles the elements within the current pagination - does not affect the pagination
plugin option Sorting Direction

Option: Sorting Direction

  • The option Maximum number of pages determines the total number of results.

Plugin options: Filters

  • Doktypes is a list of allowed doktypes. Pages of other doktypes as listed here are not displayed by the teaser.
plugin option Filter Doktypes

Option: Filter Doktypes

  • Hide these pages is a blacklist of pages. Pages listed here are not displayed by the teaser.
plugin option Hidden Pages

Option: Hidden pages

  • Categories is a list of allowed categories. Pages without at least one of these categories are not displayed by the teaser.
plugin option Filter Categories

Option: Filter categories

  • When activated the option Show pages which are hidden for navigation causes the teaser to display pages that are hidden in the navigation.
  • When activated the option Hide parent page(s) causes the teaser to not display the parent pages. Which pages are parent pages is determined by the option 'Source' in the tab 'Pages'.

Plugin options: Layout

The layout options determine how the given pages will be rendered in the frontend.

  • The option Layout provides a list of layouts. By default following layouts are available:
    • Linklist
    • Text
    • TextPic
plugin option Layout

Option: Layout

  • When activated the option Activate 'more' links for each element causes the layout to render a 'more' link for each page listed in the teaser.
  • The options Target for the additional link and Text for the additional link allow to specify a target and label for a link that is rendered below the teaser.
  • The option Paging visibility specifies whether or not pagination is used.
    • On means that the pagination is always on, even if there's only one page
    • Off means that the pagination is off.
    • Auto means that the pagination is only shown, when there's more than one page.
plugin option Paging Visibility

Option: Paging visibility

  • The option Paging Position specifies where the pagination is shown.
    • Top displays the pagination above the teaser
    • Bottom displays the pagination below the teaser
    • Top and Bottom displays the pagination above and below the teaser
plugin option Paging Position

Option: Paging position

  • The option Maximum items on one page specifies the maximum number of elements displayed on one page. The option is not available, when the Paging Visibility is set to 'Off'.