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EXT: Web>Func, Wizards, Create Form Pages

Classification:Typo3 Extension Documentaion
Keywords:typo3 extension backend web wizards forms
Author:Martin Kutschker
Company:Global Spanking Industries

EXT: Web>Func, Wizards, Create Form Pages

Extension Key: gsi_wizard_crform

Copyright 2003, Martin Kutschker, <>

Global Spanking Industries

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: Web>Func, Wizards, Create Form Pages 1

Introduction 1

What does it do? 1

Users manual 1

Adminstration 1

Configuration 2

Known problems 2

Changelog 2


What does it do?

The extension adds a new wizard to the Web module 'Functions', type 'Wizards'. The wizard allows the creation of a new page with a form and optionally an answer page in one step.

All of the special email form fields may be entered (i.e. subject, recipient, etc.). For the answer page an RTE field is provided.

If the extension Extended Mailforms (gsi_mailform_ext) is installed, the additional fields (i.e. 'subject (copy)') may be configured as well.

Users manual

In the Module 'Web' click 'Functions', select 'Wizards' from the drop down in the upper-right corner and finally choose 'Create a page with a mail form'.

Fill in the page title, the header of the content element (optional) and the mail data. Check 'hide page' to get a hidden page.

To create an 'answer page' click the appropriate check box and fill in the page title and header/text of an optional RTE field.

On submit the wizard will create a new page under the current. If 'create answer page' has been checked, a page of type 'not in menu' will be created inside the page containing the form. The 'jump page' of the form will be set correctly as well.


No administration needed, just install the extension.


Nothing to configure.

Known problems

The wizard ignores any RTE settings of the BE user. It will allow all features except images.

The Typo3 RTE editor expects to be invoked for an existing page. The wizard uses a hard-coded uid of 123456789 as fake pid, which should not exist.


0.1.0 Bug fixes.

0.0.3 Added setting of 'jump to page' and default fields (name,email).

0.0.2 Added Finnish. Thanx to the anonymous translator. versions.

0.0.1 Initial public release.

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