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EXT: mailformplus

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Changed by:Kurt Kunig
Author:Peter Luser
Info 3:
Info 4:

EXT: FE extends mailformplus listview

Version 0.0.2

Extension Key: kk_mailformpluslist

Copyright 2007, Kurt Kunig, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from


Table of Contents

`Introduction 1 <#0.1.Introduction|outline>`_

What does it do? 1

Screenshots 2

`Users manual 4 <#0.2.Users%20manual|outline>`_

`Administration 4 <#0.3.Administration|outline>`_


`Configuration and usage of kk_mailformpluslist 4 <#0.4.Configurati on%20and%20usage%20of%20kk_mailformpluslist|outline>`_

Typoscript support or maintenance: 5

the HTML form: subtemplates for emails and errormessages 5

Known problems 6

`Change-Log: 7 <#0.5.Change-Log:|outline>`_

New in version 0.0.1 7


First of all:

Many thanks to all the gentle colleagues in the net who supported me!

What does it do?

This extension should be installed on top of the th_mailformplus- extension for a FE-view of the transmitted messages based on mailformplus forms.

  • Displays a number of messages (parameter in the mailfomplus object = new mailformplus-DB field) in a FE table as a list view.
  • Inserts a link to a new dedicated page (parameter in the mailfomplus object = new mailformplus-DB field) for displaying the complete content of the chosen message (UID). Therefore you have to tell the “list-page” the PID of the page where the plugin th_mailformplus is in. This can be done by a seperate plugin-property called “sourcePagePID”.
  • You've the possibility to tell the plugin the content of a special marker (###LINK2SHOW###) where the link to the single display will be in (e.g. In the last column of the list table of the design template for the (mail)form. You can put in something like this: “<img src=”fileadmin/images/icon.gif width=15px height=15px border=0 />” or a simple letter like “O” (that's also the default if the property is missing).The property for this is: “linkVars = ...”


Backend module:


Sorry for the German description.

maximum number of records to be shown in the list, zero (0) means: without limits.

Pid of that page that contains the plugin with the single view object.


This is a part of the page content, where the list should be displayed. Link to the mailformplus data for the above mentioned two additional parameters.


You Should also include the mailformplus-example-template or your own one where the subparts and markers are defined for the two different display forms “list” and “single”:

“plugin.tx_kkmailformpluslist_pi1.template = fileadmin/templates/mfplus_contact_form01.html”

Here is an example screenshot of the frontend result:


and a single view:


Users manual


see configuration


- none

Configuration and usage of kk_mailformpluslist

  • Install the module with the Extension manager.
  • Create page and insert a “plugin” element on the page where the “list”-form should be shown –pluginname: “Mailformplus List” with the type of display “LIST”.
  • Create (sub-)page and insert a “plugin” element on the page where the “single”-form should be shown –pluginname: “Mailformplus List” with the type of display “SINGLE” (remember the Id).
  • Put in the two data into the mailformplus element (sysFolder!?): Max number of records to be shown and the PID of the page for the single view.
  • Include the new plugin in the template and also include the HTML- document for the Subparts and markers.“plugin.tx_kkmailformpluslist_pi1.template = fileadmin/templates/mfplus_contact_form01.html”
  • This will be the content of the marker ###LINK2SHOW###:plugin.tx_kkmailformpluslist_pi1.linkVars = <img src="fileadmin/images/lupe.gif" alt="lupe" width="14px" height="14px" />###LINK2SHOW### = “<img src="fileadmin/images/lupe.gif" alt="lupe" width="14px" height="14px" />” e.g.

Typoscript support or maintenance:






Path to the HTML template with the markers in

(perhaps the same path resp. the same document like that one for th_mailformplus!?)

e.g. = fileadmin/templates/mailformplus_contact.html





The content of this variable will be written into the marker ###LINK2SHOW###

e.g. look into the example below.

sourcePagePID (optional)


sourcePagePID (optional)


Because of possible different mailfomplus-forms and -pages and their possible different number of Markers (###value_name### etc.) you have to tell the extension what messages should be displayed in the page that belongs to this ext. Template (the template that corresponds to the page where you want to show the list)

e.g. = 43

Shows only messages sent with THAT page!

Without this property all mails will be listed, doesn't matter if there is the same mailformplus-Design is used.


plugin.tx_kkmailformpluslist_pi1 {

template = fileadmin/templates/mailformplus_contact_Kunig.html

linkVars = <img src="fileadmin/images/lupe.gif" alt="lupe" width="14px" height="14px" />

sourcePagePID = 43


the HTML form: subtemplates for emails and errormessages

You can (have to) specify a “HTML-Template with formular fields in it”.

This is a “normal” static HTML document including the formular fields.

You know this from the extension th_mailformplus itself!

There are some additonal subparts to be definded:

... This is a part (end) of the mailformplus-template:

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_ERROR### begin

  OPTIONAL  this section holds the error texts for the input fields.
        Only a primitive server side check is supported: you can specify fiels that have to be filled out.      If not, this error message is shown.

        <!-- ###ERROR_START### begin
                this is used for the global error marker ###ERROR### -->
        The following errors occured:
        <!-- ###ERROR_START### end -->

<!-- ###TEMPLATE_ERROR### end -->

<!-- This is the part for the additive extension "kk_mailfompluslist"
    ALL markers have to be written in uppercase letters just like this one: ###VALUE_DATUM###!
        Constant markers are:
        ###VALUE_DATUM### for the sending date and time
        ###LINK2SHOW###   the content will take a glass-icon for the link to the single, complete document
        ###GO_BACK###     contains the link back to the calling page (defined in the locallang.xml-key "back")
        All other markers will be the same like in the form above.
<!-- ###MFP_LIST### begin -->
        <br />
        <table class="fine">
                   <th align="left">Datum</th>
                        <th align="left" bgcolor="#fecec0">Absender</th>
                        <th align="left">Thema</th>
                <!--  ###MFPLISTE### begin  -->
                   <td valign="top"><span class="mini">###VALUE_DATUM###</span></td>
                        <td valign="top"><span class="mini" bgcolor="#fecec0">###VALUE_NAME###</span></td>
                        <td valign="top"><span class="mini">###VALUE_SUBJECT###</span></td>
                        <td valign="top"><span class="mini">###LINK2SHOW###</span></td>
                <!--  ###MFPLISTE### end -->
<!-- ###MFP_LIST### end -->

<!-- ###MFP_SINGLE### begin -->
        <!-- ###MFPSINGLEVIEW### begin -->
        <br />
        <table class="fine" width="100%">
           <tr><td>###VALUE_DATUM###</td><td>von ###VALUE_NAME###</td></tr>
                <tr><td colspan="2">Nachricht:</td></tr>
                <tr><td colspan="2" style="white-space:pre;">###VALUE_TEXT###</td></tr>
        <p align="right">###GO_BACK###</p>
        <!-- ###MFPSINGLEVIEW### end -->
<!-- ###MFP_SINGLE### end -->
Special fields:
will display date and time of the sent email

the content will take the content of the parameter “linkVars” of the plugin-template (s.a.) for the link to the single complete document.

contains the link back to the calling page (defined in the locallang.xml-key "back")

Known problems

  • The field “Drop down” for “list” or single” is shown in each page-type not only in the Ctype “list” and this plugin!?
  • Perhaps a lot!? This is my FIRST extension! Sorry for the inconveniences you've possibly had! Please send me an email with possible hints and failure corrections.


New in version 0.0.1

New property “sourcePagePID” for a page ext-SETUP-template. Shows only messages sent with THAT page! This is the pid that's in the mailformplus_log table of the database.

img-6 EXT FE kk_mailformpluslist 7