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Languages TS Auto-Configuration

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Keywords:language, fe, config, realurl
Author:Zorik Pavlenko
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 Languages TS Auto-Configuration - langfeautoconfig

Languages TS Auto-Configuration

Extension Key: langfeautoconfig

Language: en

Keywords: language, fe, config, realurl

Copyright 2009-2010, Zorik Pavlenko <>Copyright 2004-2009, Karsten Dambekalns, <>Copyright 2004, Kasper Skårhøj, <>

This document is published under the Open Content Licenseavailable from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

Languages TS Auto-Configuration 1

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__2733_1749758843>`_

What does it do? 3

Technical details 3


What does it do?

The extension adds automatically typoscript configuration

for each website language defined in sys_language table.

When L get parameter is passed in FE, correct language configuration is used.

The script sets default typoscript values, so that they can be easily overridden in your website template typoscript.

It adds:

  • config.sys_language_uid,
  • config.language,
  • config.htmlTag_langKey,
  • page.meta.content-language,
  • config.htmlTag_dir

to typoscript template.

(if you dont know what they do - have a look at TSREF).

And, constants in TSCONF, that may be used in website template:

  • sys_language_uid
  • language – 2 letters (lg_typo3)
  • htmlTag_langKey
  • meta-content-language
  • lg_name_en
  • lg_name_local
  • flag – language icon filename

added in


where “sys_language_uid” is integer.

Optionally adds realurl configuration for _DEFAULT website.

just install the extension and clear configuration caches TWICE (first time it writes new config in localconf, second - localconf is read by system)


You must update Website languages and set their “Official Language” (ISO Code). This creates connection between Website Language and languages static tables. If the official language is not set – no configuration will be created.

Technical details

first “clear config cache” - ext_tables.php is triggered, new text file is created (typo3temp/langfeautoconfig.txt)

second “clear config cache” - ext_localconf is triggered, includes the text file and inserts typoscript for pages and website, localconf for realurl;